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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The Plaintiff petitioned this court for a prayer in the following terms: a) An order setting aside the registration of transfer from the Plaintiff to the first Defendant under Deed Number 3541/2017 for a certain piece of land situate in the District of Salisbury called stand number 346 Northwood Township 2 of Sumben measuring 4 047 square meters. b) Cancelation of Deed of Transfer Number 2144/2018 made in favor of the third Defendant for the above immovable property. c) The fourth Defendant be ordered and authorized to effect transfer into the name of the Plaintiff and Li Wei Yong for... More

The employee was charged with and convicted of two counts of “any serious act; conduct or omission inconsistent with the fulfilment of the express or implied conditions of his contract in terms of the relevant code of conduct. It was specifically alleged that the employee had on two occasions encashed a total of US $2 590.00 and also facilitated encashment of US $1 000.00 by signing on the withdrawal slip without the necessary mandate to do so. The employee had been employed in the employer’s NGO branch which served employees of non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) who were the Bank’s customers. These... More

This is an application for condonation of the late noting of an appeal against sentence only. The applicant was convicted of 2 counts of rape by the Regional Court, he was sentenced to 17 years imprisonment in respect of each count giving a total of 34 years imprisonment of which 4 years imprisonment were suspended on the usual conditions, leaving him with 30 years effective. It is applicant’s submission that the sentence is too excessive as he is a first offender, and was the sole bread winner. More

The applicant filed a court application claiming payment by the first respondent of the sum of US$20 000-00, together with interest and costs. This was money lent and advanced by the applicant to the first respondent in terms of a written agreement of loan signed by the parties on 17 August 2022. The first respondent opposed the application. After reading the documents filed of record and hearing argument from both sides, I granted the order sought. More

Sometime in April 2021 Caleb Chihwa was arrested driving a truck loaded with 294 bales of second-hand clothes which had been smuggled into Zimbabwe. He was travelling from Mutare to Harare. The subject truck was not registered with the Central Vehicle Registry, applicant claims that it belongs to her. On 23 November 2022 Caleb Chihwa was prosecuted and fined. Meanwhile on 15 July 2021 a Notice of Seizure of the truck was issued by the Regional Manager and applicant was informed. Various representations were made from the station manager upwards in an effort to set aside the seizure and release... More

The appellant was employed by the Judicial Service Commission (the respondent) as a court interpreter. He was found guilty of an act of misconduct and he was dismissed. This is his appeal against his conviction and penalty. More

MUTEVEDZI J: For those that support it Zimbabwe’s land reform programme will eternally be famed as one of the most iconic revolutions in African history. To those who oppose it, the scheme is immortally etched in their minds as notoriety of epic proportions. The programme commenced more than two decades ago. In its formative years, it was confronted by fierce resistance both politically and legally by a section of those who owned commercial farms across the country. After Government had weathered the political storm parliament moved in to exorcise the many legal stratagems employed the erstwhile commercial farmers to obstruct... More