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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff’s claim against the defendants can be summarised as follows. In March 2021, the first defendant gave an oral mandate to the plaintiff for the clearance of goods in transit from South Africa to Zambia via Zimbabwe. The defendants misrepresented to the plaintiff that the good were destined for Zambia. As a result, the plaintiff entered what is known as a ‘removal -in-transit’ entry into the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority ( ZIMRA) system so that the goods would not be levied duty and taxes on the assumption that they were in transit. Such duty and levy would have been paid... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the appeal committee which upheld the decision of the staff disciplinary committees’ decision to find appellant guilty of an act of misconduct and to dismiss him from university employment. More

The second applicant described itself in the founding affidavit as an association of elderly and vulnerable widows. Its capacity to sue or be sued is not specifically pleaded. Same has not been contested by the respondents. I proceeded on the understanding that 2nd applicant is a common law universitas with the capacity to sue and to be sued. It has previously successfully sued in this court and the various correspondence submitted with the notice of opposition confirm that that the 2nd respondent is a bearer of rights. The 1st respondent described himself as the chairperson of the 2nd applicant duly... More

The applicant alleges that on 7 September 2020, he entered into an agreement of sale with the respondent in respect of Lot 4 of Geluk Farm, Beatrice, aforesaid. In addition, the applicant avers that the respondent breached the agreement by failing to make payments as agreed between the parties, resulting in the applicant cancelling the agreement. She was given notice of cancellation by letter dated 27 September 2021. According to the applicant, when the respondent received the notice of cancellation, she asked for extension of time so that she could rectify the breach. More

The appellant is employed by the City of Harare (“the city council”) as Deputy Director of Housing and Community Services and was at the time of the alleged commission of the offence the Acting Director of Housing and Community Services when the incumbent was attending a week-long workshop in Kadoma. In June 2021, he was arraigned before the first respondent facing a charge of “criminal abuse of duty as a public officer, in contravention of s 174 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]” (the Criminal Law Code). The allegations levelled against him are that he irregularly... More

This is an application wherein the applicant seeks an order as follows: 1. The decisions of the 1st and 2nd respondents with regards to the seizure of the applicant’s motor vehicle Registration No. AEA 5210 and the goods therein be and is hereby set aside. 2. The respondents be and are hereby directed to release applicant’s motor vehicle and the seized goods upon payment of the relevant import duty. 3. That respondents pay costs of suit on an attorney and client scale. More

After hearing argument by the respective parties, I dismissed the application with costs on an attorney and client scale. I now give my reasons. On 20 January 2020, the applicant filed an urgent chamber application and submitted that, in 2002, he obtained rights to extract minerals in Mvuma through special grants SG 2854 and SG 2858. Before the expiry of the special grants in 2011, he wrote to the second respondent through the office of the Mining Commissioner, seeking their renewal. Thereafter, on 20 April 2018, the second respondent acknowledged receipt of the applicant’s letter, and indicated that applicant’s file... More