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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
1. This is an appeal against the decision of the Appeal Authority set up by the respondent (though Appellant says Appeal Committee). The Appellant was charged of three and convicted of two acts of misconduct in terms of paragraph (f) of section 4 of Statutory Instrument 15 of 2006 to wit, gross incompetency or inefficiency in performance of work. A penalty of dismissal was imposed. An appeal at the workplace was unsuccessful. More

On 13 January 2023 applicant’s application for bail pending trial was dismissed. The record shows on dismissing the application the court considered that applicant is a danger to society as he was part of a gang that attacked the deceased. The court also considered that applicant and his accomplices had used dangerous weapons in the commission of the offence. The court further considered applicant a flight risk as he was found in possession of the murder weapon. More

This is an application for condonation of the late filing of an appeal. At the commencement of the oral submissions, Ms Matongwana raised preliminary issues relating to the filing of documents by the Respondent. She stated that Respondent’s legal practitioners had not filed an Assumption of Agency as prescribed by the Rules. She also stated that the Respondent had filed the heads of argument two (2) days after the due date and had not applied for condonation. In response, Ms Mangoi stated that due the new system of filing of documents on the IECMS platform, Respondent only realized on perusal... More

On 17 November 2022, this Court issued an Ex Tempore judgment granting condonation to Respondent to file an appeal before this Court. Applicant is dissatisfied with the decision and intends to approach the Supreme Court on appeal. More

The brief narrative is that the applicant entered into a lease agreement with the 1st respondent a juristic entity on the 5th of March 2018. The terms and conditions pertaining to the renewal and termination of the lease where embodied in the lease which is part of the record. By mutual consent the said lease which had been renewed for a further two terms was supposed to expire on the 31st of January 2021. In the interim, the 1st respondent subletted the property in issue to one of its then employees, the 2nd respondent, in February 2019. Somewhere along the... More

Before me are three matters which were consolidated by agreement of the parties so that they could be heard and determined at the same time. The first was an application for rescission of a default judgment obtained by the first and second respondents against the applicant under HC 1769/23. The order obtained in default was for the exhumation of the remains of the late Madzibaba Johanne Masowe to be exhumed from a shrine belonging to the applicant. Also as part of the consolidated records was an urgent chamber application by the applicant for stay of execution of order granted in... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent employer’s disciplinary committee which found appellant employee guilty of misconduct and penalised her with dismissal. More