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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 31 July, 2012 a legal entity which is known as Roberts Drive Investments (Private) Limited (“Roberts”) sold to Kangausaru Investments (Private) Limited (“Kangausaru”), the first respondent herein, 3000 Class F Shares. The shares relate to Unit No. 8, 75 Roberts Drive, Msasa, Harare (“the property”). More

Before me are two cases namely HC 50/15 and HC 3500/16 which were consolidated. The parties were husband and wife whose marriage was solemnized in Harare on 31 December 1983 and which marriage was terminated by a decree of divorce issued by the High Court of England. A decree nisi was issued on 1 December 2013 while the final decree absolute was issued on 18 December 2014. More

This is an application for the review of the respondent’s disciplinary committee decision. Applicant raises 3 issues for review. The first one is that he was wrongly charged under the Tourism Industry Code instead of under the Procurement Act. Secondly he says that the Chairman did not have jurisdiction to hear his matter as he was biased on account of the fact that he was husband to applicant’s superior. Thirdly he argues that the complainant in the matter was his immediate supervisor and signatory to the procurement process now under challenge so he gave a biased account of the events... More

This is an application for the review of the respondent’s disciplinary committee decision. Applicant raises 3 issues for review. The first one is that he was wrongly charged under the Tourism Industry Code instead of under the Procurement Act. Secondly he says that the Chairman did not have jurisdiction to hear his matter as he was biased on account of the fact that he was husband to applicant’s superior. Thirdly he argues that the complainant in the matter was his immediate supervisor and signatory to the procurement process now under challenge so he gave a biased account of the events... More

1. On 22 September 2016 the Regional Court sitting at Mutare convicted the appellant, a 35 year old Congolese refugee, of raping an 8 month old baby girl at Tongogara Refugee Camp in Chipinge. More

The plaintiff and the defendant entered into a written agreement of sale with respect to the property on the 6th of June 2021. The purchase price was set at US$2 500 000 (Two million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars). The terms and obligations of the parties were set out in the agreement. In breach, the failed to pay the purchase price as required in terms of clause 2 . On the 21st of August 2021, the parties entered into a further agreement varying clause 2. The new date for the payment of the purchase price was extended by a... More

The respondent filed a complaint of unlawful termination of his contract of employment and this was allegedly done without the applicant following any procedures. The appellant’s version of what transpired is very different. It alleges that the employee went absent without official leave in June 2020. The appellant denies ever terminating the respondent’s contract of employment. More