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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for bail brought in terms of section 116 (2) (ii) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act (Chapter 9:07). The applicant is facing one count of robbery as defined in section 126 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23). Applicant denies the allegations and maintains that he has been wrongly implicated. Applicant and his co-accused filed an application for bail in this court on 17th February 2023. Under HB-38-23 DUBE-BANDA J dismissed the application for bail on the grounds that applicants were a flight risk given the fact that they faced serious... More

This is an application for condonation to file a review application which is being sought to be filed outside the 21 days prescribed by law. The application is opposed. A preliminary point was raised by the respondent. In their challenge of the application, the respondents stated that the application for condonation should be struck off for not being properly before the Court on the basis that the applicant seeks condonation to file a review against a default judgement. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against the judgement handed down by this Court reference LC/H/199/22 dated 11th July 2022. The application is made pursuant to the provisions in Section 92 F (2) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01] as read with Rule 43 of the Labour Court Rules, Statutory Instrument 150 of 2017. The application is opposed. More

The facts are that, on the 29th of June 2022, at Victory farm Mhangura, it is alleged that the accused in the company of three or so others, vandalized a 200KVA transformer after tying and incapacitating the security guard on the premises. They made away with the copper windings from the vandalized transformer after tying and incapacitating the security guard. The security guard later freed himself after they had left and informed his employer who in turn made a police report. The accused was arrested at a police roadblock on the 2nd of July 2022 in a vehicle with three... More

On the 12th September 2021 at Harare, Designated Agent P. Chiyangwa issued a determination. She ordered appellant (employer) to pay respondent (employee) an amount of US$10,416-00 in respect of terminal benefits. The employer then appealed to this Court in terms of section 92D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 (hereafter called the Act). The employee opposed the appeal. More

The first applicant and respondent are embroiled in litigation regarding the construction of roads in Kensington Township 6. As a result of the discord between the first applicant and respondent, the respondent issued a public notice, the import of which was the non-issuance of rates clearance certificates in respect of the Kensington Township 6 property. As a result of this suspension the first applicant is unable to pass transfer to the second and third applicants. This has exposed the first applicant to threats of litigation for failure to pass transfer and also first applicant’s reputation is being questioned due to... More

Applicant is the only surviving son to the late Zephania Nkomo (also known as Zephania Jones Nkomo) ( the deceased), born out of a marriage in terms of civil rites to Diana Nyasha Nkomo, nee Mutambabende (Diana) ( now deceased) in terms of the Marriage Act 1964. The marriage was solemnized by a Minister of Religion on 27 of August 1977. On 25 September 1987, deceased entered into a marriage with first respondent. Diana died on 10 September 2000. The deceased’s estate is being administered by firth respondent through the second Respondent. first Respondent approached firth Respondent’s office claiming to... More