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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an urgent chamber application for stay of execution of a writ of execution against movable and immovable property issued by this court on 11 February 2022 under case number HC 1880/06 at the instance of the 1st respondent pending the determination of the legality of that writ of execution on the grounds that the judgment debt has already been satisfied in full. More

The plaintiff herein claims to have bought immovable property being a vacant stand from the 1st defendant in 2006. Till to date he has no title to the purchased property. The plaintiff thus seeks an order compelling the 1st defendant to effect transfer of the immovable property known as Stand 2993 of stand 322 Prospect Township measuring 4024 square metres (hereinafter called “the property”) within 7 days of the granting of the order. The plaintiff wants the Sheriff to be authorized to sign all papers and take necessary steps to facilitate transfer of the property should the 1st defendant fail... More

On 5 December 2022 plaintiff issued summons against first defendant claiming: (a) an order for the cancellation of the transfer of a certain piece of land situated in the district of Salisbury called stand number 357 Mandara Township of Lot 5 Mandara of the Grange, measuring 1, 0549 acres registered in favour of the first defendant under Deed of Transfer number 6751/2022. (b) an order for registration of the property into Christy Wilkinson’s name under Deed of Transfer number 5277/1968. (c) an order for the second defendant to cancel Deed of Transfer number 6751/2022 registered in the name of the... More

The parties were in an unregistered customary law union entered into in 2010 which was dissolved in December 2021. During that time they had two children, one in 2010 and the other in 2016. The parties are before me in relation to the plaintiff’s claim whereby she seeks 50% of the value of a stand described as Stand No.7989 Fidelity, Southview Park, Phase 2 Harare. In addition she seeks the full value of one of the vehicles described as a BMW Registration Number AEE 3546 also acquired during their union. The summons were issued on 11 February 2022. Since at... More

This is an application for condonation of late filing a notice of opposition and upliftment of the bar operating against the applicant employer. The applicant is out of time by 28 days to file its opposition in LC/H/1164/22 which is a review matter at the instance of the respondent employee. The employee is opposed to the grant of the condonation relief. He cites the fact that the employer has no good excuse for the default and that it does not have merited opposition to his review application. More

1. This is an application for bail pending appeal against sentence. On 17 January 2023 after hearing arguments, I delivered an ex tempore judgment, to wit: “The application for bail be and is hereby dismissed.” I have, however, been requested to provide a fully dressed judgment with reasons. I outline hereunder the reasons for this decision. 2. The salient facts are that the applicant was arraigned before the Magistrate Court sitting at Filabusi. He was charged with the crime of assault as defined in section 89(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 09:23). It being alleged that... More

This is an application for bail pending appeal. The applicants appeared before a Regional Magistrate sitting at Karoi on three counts of robbery in contravention of s126 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9:23. They pleaded not guilty but were all convicted and each was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment of which 4 years imprisonment were suspended on condition of good behavior. In addition, 2 years imprisonment were suspended on condition of restitution. More