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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant approaches this Court under s 167(2)(d) as read with s 85(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. It seeks an order declaring that the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment No1 Bill, alternatively, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment No1 Act, and the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment No2 Act are invalid. Ultimately the applicant seeks an order that both be set aside following a declaration of invalidity. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Legal Practitioners Tribunal “the Tribunal” sitting at Harare, dated 30 June 2021 convicting the appellant of contravening s 23(1) (d) and s 23 (1) (c) of the Legal Practitioners Act [Chapter 27:07] as read with By Laws 70 E and 70 F of the Law Society of Zimbabwe and sentencing him to the removal of his names from the Register of Legal Practitioners, Notaries Public and Conveyancers. More

When I received the urgent chamber application, I set down the matter and the parties appeared before me on 13 June 2022. The matter was postponed by consent to 29 June 2022 subject to some directions. I ordered the first and second respondents to file their opposing affidavits no later than 16 June 2022. The applicants were to file their answering affidavit by 20 June 2022, and file their heads of argument no later than 23 June 2022. I then directed the first, second and third respondents to file their heads of argument by 28 June 2022. I made no... More

This is an urgent chamber application for Mandament Van Spoliie and an interdict wherein the applicant seeks the following relief: “1. 2nd to 4th respondents be and are hereby ordered to immediately restore possession of the red changfa compressor to applicant. 2. In the event of failure to comply with (1) above, the Sheriff of High Court be and is hereby ordered to take possession of the property mentioned in (1) above and restore applicant to such possession. The costs of such execution to be borne by the 2nd – 3rd respondents. 3. 2nd – 4th respondents together with their... More

That the authority of the State vests in the government of the day is, in my view, trite. That such authority is exercised through tiers of government should be common knowledge. Historically, tiers of government consisted, mainly, of the national government and local authorities. (See s 5 of the constitution). However, Zimbabwe, like other modern constitutional democracies, has embraced the new concept of tiers of government in terms of which the constitution requires the government to delegate certain of its traditional functions to commissions, agencies of government and entities wholly owned or controlled by the State (including companies), which, despite... More

Initially applicant instituted these proceedings against two respondents namely CABS as first respondent and the Operations Manager CABS as second respondent. It then withdrew proceedings against second respondent and tendered wasted costs. This judgment therefore is in respect of the applicant and the respondent CABS. More

This is an appeal against a determination made by the respondent‘s Disciplinary Authority which resulted in his dismissal from employment. The determination was handed down on an unspecified date in 2021. The appeal is opposed. More