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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This matter was placed before the court as an urgent court application in terms of r 59(6) of the High Court Rules, 2021. The application was accompanied by a certificate of urgency justifying the extraordinary circumstances under which it was brought before the court. The periods within which further affidavits and heads of argument were to be filed, were accordingly truncated with the consent of counsel. The applicant seeks the following relief against the respondent: More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court of Zimbabwe (the court a quo) handed down at Mutare on 9 May 2022 declining jurisdiction to hear and determine an application for a declaratory order of spoliation sought by the appellant. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the designated agent for NEC Rural District Councils where he ordered that applicant pays Union dues for its employees including for some employees who claim to have withdrawn their membership from the Zimbabwe Rural District Council Workers Union. More

This is an application for the rescission of a default judgment handed down on 4 October 2022 in a labour dispute pitting the applicant employee and the respondent employer. The background to the matter is that the employee filed a review application with the Labour Court challenging the process leading to his dismissal from his workplace. He however did not attend court on the set down date despite service of the set down date on his union representatives. In the result default judgment was granted. He now wishes to have that default judgment set aside so that his review application... More

The appellant was employed by the respondent as its transport and logistics coordinator. The appellant faced allegations of misconduct he was found guilty and dismissed from employment. More

This is a court application for condonation and extension of time within which to note an appeal to be made in terms of s 75 of the Children’s Act, [Chapter 5:06] as read with r 95 (9) of the High Court Rules, 2021. On the 7th of April 2022, the Children’s Court granted an adoption order in favour of the first and second respondents for the minor child, NKC, born on 21 July 2010. The applicant is the paternal grandmother to the minor child. The first and second respondents are husband and wife and the first respondent is an aunt... More

This is a divorce action in which the only issue in dispute relates to the division of the matrimonial home described as Stand Number 167 Vainona Township of Vainona situate in the District of Salisbury and measuring 4599 square meters. It is otherwise known as 11 Granta Road Vainona, Harare. The house is registered jointly in the plaintiff and the defendant’s names. More