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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The essence of this appeal is against the lower court’s refusal to make a factual finding that the respondent, Mavis Mbunga, was the owner of a dog that bit the appellant in an incident which occurred in December 2017. She was bitten on her fore arms, her right thigh, right shoulder, buttock and left breast. The incident occurred when the appellant had gone to the respondent’s residence to look at a potential cottage for rental. She was taken to hospital and her bills were paid for by the respondent. She claimed US$4000.00 in the court below for loss of earnings... More

The plaintiff is a trust duly established in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. The first defendant is a company duly incorporated according to the laws of Zimbabwe. The second defendant is a director of the first defendant. The third defendant is also a trust established in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. It is the sole shareholder in the first defendant. The plaintiff instituted proceedings against the defendants claiming the following relief: “a] An order confirming the mutual termination of the agreement of sale of Stand 487 Quinnington Township of Stand 479 Quinnington Township, Harare [hereinafter the property] entered... More

On 13 March, 2023 the plaintiff issued provisional sentence summons against the defendants, jointly and severally the one paying the other to be absolved, for payment to her of the total sum of USD100 000 together with interest at the prescribed rate calculated from 1 February, 2023 to the date of full payment together with legal costs which are at attorney and client scale. She based her claim on two acknowledgements of debt which the defendants signed on 22 January, and 27 February, 2023 in terms of which the latter agreed to repay to her on 31 January 2023 the... More

This is an application wherein the applicant seeks a declaration of constitutional invalidity of the laws relating to land acquisition and the ones that put the state in a privileged position in the buying and selling of rural land in Zimbabwe. The applicant says he has locus standi as a citizen of Zimbabwe and as a potential land owner and purchaser he has property rights to protect and that he seeks an order declaring the unnecessary and unconstitutional impediments to acquisition of rural land invalid. More

This is an application for the confirmation of a ruling in the matter between Johnson Mapira and Moreyear Investments Company. The background to the matter is that Mapira lost his job with Moreyear on notice. Aggrieved by the job loss he approached a labour officer who ruled that the termination on notice was not regular as it was not in sync with the law set out in Sec 12(4)(a) to (d) of the Labour Amendment Act. More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the Magistrates court which found the appellant guilty of contravening s 35 of the Marriages Act [Chapter 5:11]. The sentence imposed was a fine of ZWL$60 000.00 in default of payment 6 months imprisonment. In addition, 12 months’ imprisonment was imposed and wholly suspended on condition of good behaviour. In respect of the appeal against the sentence, the appellant is dissatisfied with the 12 months imprisonment wholly suspended by the court a quo. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Magistrate Court sitting at Chiredzi dismissing appellant’s application for rescission of a default judgment which was granted in 2009. More