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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant seeks the review of the decision of the second and third respondents’ to nominate, recommend and approve the appointment of the first respondent as Chief Masuka. More

On the 16th September 2022, respondent’s disciplinary authority dismissed appellant from employment for misconduct. Appellant then appealed to this Court in terms of section 92 D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01. Respondent opposed the appeal. The grounds of appeal were four-field. They basically challenge the ruling on a preliminary point, sufficiency of the evidence led and the appropriateness of the penalty. More

This is an application for bail pending appeal. The principles underlying an application of this nature are summarily, the likelihood of abscondment, prospects of success and the delay before the appeal is heard as outlined in the case of S v Dzawo 1998 (1) ZLR 556(S). These are counter balanced by the interests of the administration of justice and an individual’s right to freedom. See, S v Williams 1980 ZLR 466(A). However, the rules are sterner for a convicted person than those who stands to be convicted as the latter has constitutionally entrenched rights to liberty and to be presumed... More

The plaintiffs herein are husband and wife. In March 2010, they entered into a lease agreement with the then Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development (now known as the Minister of Local Government and Public Works) in respect of a property called the Remainder of Stand 219 situate in the township of Strathaven in the district of Harare (the property). The Minister was joined to the proceedings as the second defendant by an order of this court dated 22 November 2022. The first defendant claims to be in occupation of the property since 2017, on the strength of... More

The appellant was employed by the respondent company as a miner surveyor. She was charged with acts of misconduct. Disciplinary proceedings were conducted against her . She found guilty. She was penalized with dismissal. Her appeal internally failed. More

This is an appeal against a judgment rendered by the Magistrates’ Court which was in favour of the respondent (the applicant then) against the appellant (the respondent then). The order was in the following terms; More

Applicant worked for Respondent as a teacher in Harare. She was dismissed from employment for misconduct. She appealed to respondent’s Appeals Officer who dismissed the appeal on the 16th June 2022. On the 8th July 2022 she appealed to this Court. The matter proceeded under reference LC/H/595/22 until applicant withdrew the appeal on the 17th October 2022. The present application was then filed on the 24th October 2022. Rule 19(1) of the Court’s Rules requires that an appeal should be filed within 21 (twenty-one) days of the impugned order. Therefore, the intended appeal in case is 3 months out of... More