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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant and the 2nd respondent both lay claim to the same mining block situated in the Mberengwa district of the Midlands Province, each apparently fortified in his claim by the mine registration documents granted his favour. Whereas the applicant’s mine is known as Lockhead 1 mine, that of the 2nd respondent goes by the name Aqua 5 mine. The applicant acquired his mine in 2017 having taken all the necessary steps required by 1st respondent for such registration. The 2nd respondent on the other ‘inherited’ his mine from his late father Lazarus Musipa, the latter who had acquired registration... More

Summary judgment was granted in favour of the plaintiff against the defendants jointly and severally. The judgment was in the sum of US419 435-40 together with interest thereon at the rate of 10% per annum from 6 August 2019 until the date of payment. Reasons ex tempore were given. The defendants appealed. More

The parties herein got divorced on 2 November 2019, under HC 3050/19. The applicant herein was the plaintiff while respondent herein was the defendant. The parties were agreed to a decree of divorce being granted and they filed a consent paper. Paragraph 2 of the divorce order reads as follows: More

The applicant approached this court seeking a prohibitory interdict in terms of r 60(1) of the High Court Rules, 2021. The court granted the order and the first respondent requested reasons for granting the order More

Both parties are professional nurses. They were married at Mutare on Africa Day, 25 May 2013 and the marriage still subsists. However on 15 February 2023 applicant served respondent with summons for divorce. The marriage was blessed with three minor children, eldest being a daughter and the remainder being both boys. Eldest daughter and second are both at Chancellor Junior School, Mutare and the youngest is doing ECD at Tiny Tots in Dangamvura. More

The plaintiff and first defendant were married on 25 December 1965 at Mrewa in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 37] as per the then operational laws of Southern Rhodesia. This marriage was monogamous by nature. Despite the nature of the marriage between the plaintiff and first defendant, the first defendant went on to enter an unregistered customary law union with the second defendant in or about 1979 or 1980. On 8 November 1989, the first defendant registered his marriage to the second defendant in terms of the African Marriages Act [Chapter 238] and misrepresented his status as someone who... More

The applicant’s case is that it is a holder of a mining location registered as Tebekwe mine by virtue of a tribute agreement signed in February 2010 between the applicant as the tributor and Ngezi Mining Company Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of SMM Holdings as the grantor. A copy of the tribute agreement is attached in support. There were subsequent renewals of the tribute agreement the last of which was on 24 September 2021 before the applicant then bought the mining location from Ngezi Mining Company Pvt Ltd. A copy of the agreement of sale is attached signed in October... More