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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant was in occupation of Glebe Farm, Goromonzi, measuring 669, 1865 hectares registered under Deed of Transfer No. 224/1996 (hereinafter called the farm). The farm was listed for compulsory acquisition by the respondent. The two parties entered into a deed of settlement which was later reduced into an order of the Administrative Court. In terms of that deed of settlement, the applicant was to retain 142.38 hectares of the farm and relinquish the remaining 526.81 hectares to the respondent. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent’s disciplinary authority which found the employee appellant guilty of improperly associating with a school child and penalised him with dismissal. More

This is a court application brought in terms of r 29(1)(a) of the High Court Rules 2021. The applicants have prayed for the rescission of the order granted by this court on 18 October2022 under case number HACC 28/22, per KWENDA J. They contend that the order was erroneously granted in their absence. More

On 24 November 2021 my brother WAMAMBO J and myself heard arguments in relation to this appeal matter from Mr S. Ganya for the appellant and Mr B. E Mathose for the respondent being the State. We then proceeded to give reasons for the judgment ex tempore. More

Applicant, a duly incorporated clearing agent registered with the first respondent, an administrative revenue collection authority, in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe, has approached this court on an urgent chamber basis, seeking an interim relief suspending the decision by the first respondent of suspending its agents clearing bond. The second respondent is the Minister, in charge of the Ministry responsible for health compliances at ports of entry at border posts. More

This judgment disposes of two applications involving the same parties filed under case numbers. HC 1381/21 and HC 1497/21. In case number HC 1381/21, the applicant is Associated Mine Workers Union of Zimbabwe. The respondents seriatim are Mazowe Mining Company (Pvt) Ltd (Under Corporate Reserve); Reggie Saruchera; Cecil Madondo and Master of High Court. Reggie Saruchera and Cecil Madondo were both appointed by this court as respectively lead and subordinate corporate rescue practitioners of Mazowe Mining Company (Pvt) Ltd. The Master was also made a respondent to comply with procedural law. More

This is an application for maintenance pendente lite and contribution towards costs made in terms of r 67 of the High Court Rules 2021 which permits such as n application where there is a need for such support in divorce proceedings. The applicant seeks maintenance in the sum of £.1700.00 a month as well as a contribution of 80% towards her legal costs. The common cause facts are that she moved to the United Kingdom from South Africa where she was living with her husband. She was not working as she had previously left her nursing job in England to... More