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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicants are facing charges of rape in violation of section 65(1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23). Applicants deny the allegations and contend that they had consensual sexual intercourse with the complainant. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Designated Agent Mining Industry who ruled that the appellant had not made out a good case of unlawful termination when he approached the Designated Agent with a labour dispute pitting him and the respondent employer. More

The applicant Melody Kuziwakwashe Makunura (Melody) has three related matters pending in this court the last of which is HC 931/23 that was placed before me for determination. The other related records are case numbers HC 6395/19 and HC 5728/20. The cases are related as follows: Case Number HC 6395/19 The first respondent herein as plaintiff therein filed an application for rescission of a default judgement granted by UCHENA J (as he then was) in case number HC 9080/12 against one Rodger Nyasha Makunura and Chitungwiza Municipality as first and second defendants. In terms of that default judgement granted on... More

The plaintiff sued out summons against the defendant seeking defendant’s eviction from Stand number 2 Gladstone Road, Bellevue, Bulawayo. More

The appellant was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment with 4 suspended on attached conditions after being convicted of aggravated indecent assault on a minor girl child, in contravention of the main charge, s66(1) (c) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] following a contested trial. The alternative charge, of indecent assault as defined in s67(1)(a)(i) of the Act was withdrawn by the State before plea with the concurrence of the trial court which acknowledged unnecessary splitting of charges. More

This matter has its genesis before this court as follows: Memory Manyanga issued summons against the defendants seeking that she be declared the owner of Stand 2193, Tshovani Township, Chiredzi, and further that the cession of that stand into the second defendant’s name, that is Samuel Sarimana, be declared invalid. In the alternative, she had claimed the sum of US$15 474.00 at the prevailing interbank rate as compensation for the improvements she had made to the property. Her matter was struck off the roll due to the fact that a claim of the same nature under case number HC 6094/2019... More

This is an application for the confirmation of the ruling by a Labour Officer in a labour dispute between Daniel Mavhenge and 2 Others and Zimpost. Mavhenge and his colleagues filed with the labour officer a claim of unlawful dismissal and non-payment of arrear salaries, cash in lieu of leave and terminal benefits. The Labour Officer ruled that the matter was res judicata as the Supreme Court had decided the issue of unlawful dismissal. She also reasoned that the claim for terminal benefits had prescribed. For those 2 reasons she reasoned that she lacked the jurisdiction to entertain the issues... More