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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Applicant and respondent were customarily married and they have two children. Sometime in 2014 they had marital disputes leading to a separation. Applicant then approached the Magistrates’ Court, Bulawayo where he obtained an order for custody of the minor children, see page 9 of the record. Respondent sought an order for rescission of the default judgment but the application was dismissed. The dispute moved to this court on appeal and this generated the following matters, HCA 104/16; HCA 18/17 and HCA 04/18. More

The 1st and 2nd Respondents referred complaints of alleged unfair practice, unlawful termination of employment contracts, non- payment of wages and allowances. It is common cause this was during the Covid-19 period where employees were being requested to stay at home. Before the Designated Agent 1st and 2nd Respondents (who were claimants) submitted that 1st Respondent was engaged on 1st December, 2007 and was later elevated to position of Floor Supervisor Grade 10 in 2013, 2nd Respondent was employed in 25th December 2014 as a senior section cook Grade 6. They submitted that in February 2020 they reached agreement with... More

This is an urgent chamber application in which the applicant seeks an order to the effect that the second and third respondents be stopped from dealing with the estate of the late Shirley Valley Trelc (deceased estate). The applicant seeks this relief pending an application he filed under Case No. HC 3723/20 for the removal of the said respondents from their position as executors of the deceased estate. More

The applicant is facing three counts of robbery as defined in s 126 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23] also known as the Criminal Law Code. The Form 242 reflects that the applicant is jointly charged with 5 other accused persons: Accused 1 - John Kamba; Accused 3 - Archford Chaitonga; Accused 4 - Chrispen Marimo; Accused 5 - Peter Kudzanayi; and Accused 6 - Tinashe Tapoma. The applicant is reflected as accused 2. More

This is an urgent chamber application for the stay of execution of an order of this court wherein applicant and others were ordered to pay costs. The applicant is challenging the execution of the court order on various grounds. 1.In that the matter is being irregularly executed as the order for costs was meant for applicant and others to pay costs only if the application was opposed but it was not opposed. 2.That the bill of costs in HC 1519/21 should not have been taxed at an attorney and client scale and that it is therefore invalid. 3.That the order... More

On the last day of hearing of this application, I delivered an interim order pending the determination of the present application to the effect that: “That pending the handing down of the judgment under this urgent chamber application, the 1st and 3rd Respondents are hereby directed to stay execution of judgment under HC 5790/22 against the applicant.” More

In an application for the review of the decision of the Registrar of Labour the 4th respondent raised a point in limine to the effect that it had been improperly joined to the proceedings. In response to that the applicant mentioned that there was no misjoinder taking into account the fact that it was the objection by the 4th respondent at the Registrar which birthed the Registrar’s refusal to register applicant’s CBA. It is clear from the record that had it not been for the objections by the 4th respondent the applicant’s CBA would have been registered by the Registrar.... More