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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court(the court a quo) sitting at Harare, dated 30 November 2021, setting aside para 84 A of the arbitral award given under the hands of arbitrators retired Justice A. M. Ibrahim, retired Justice M. H. Chinhengo and Advocate F. Girach on 1 March 2021. Under para 84 A of the award the arbitrators declared that the agreement of procurement entered into between the parties did not have the prior approval of the Procurement Regulation Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) as required by s 15 (1) and (2) of the Public... More

The applicant National Railways of Zimbabwe is a statutory corporate body established in terms of the Railways Act [Chapter 13:09]. The first respondent Patnah Trading (Pvt) Ltd is a duly incorporated and registered company in accordance with the laws of Zimbabwe. The second respondent City of Harare is a body corporate established in terms of the City of Harare (Private) Act, [Chapter 29:04]. More

Aggrieved by the decision of this court in HB 73/19, the Applicant filed a Notice of Appeal against that judgment in the Supreme Court under Case No. SC299/19. On 19 July 2023, the Supreme Court removed the appeal from the roll because the Appeal had been deemed dismissed due to failure to provide adequate security for the Respondent’s costs of appeal. More

This matter was set down as a chamber application at the instance of the applicant employee. The basis of the application was her disquiet about how the employer was handling her conditions of service issues especially as regards her entitlement to motor vehicles and school fees allowance. She prays in her draft order that this court declares that the employer has failed to handle the employee’s grievances properly and that this court decrees that the benefits she claims are indeed due to her. More

The common cause facts are that the plaintiff was the first person to be offered subdivision 2 Munemi Extension Zvimba, Mashonaland West in 2002. Notably, he is a valid offer letter holder. It is indisputable that there is no evidence of the withdrawal nor the intention to withdraw, let alone communication or proof of communication of the same or the said offer letter that was placed on record. Substantively, the plaintiff’s offer letter is extant. It has also not been challenged that the plaintiff has invested heavily on this piece of property. On the other hand, the 1st defendant, does... More

On the 23rd January 2023 at Harare, the Registrar of Labour issued a determination which ruled as follows, “1. The concrete products fall under CBA for Construction Industry as they have been dealing with concrete products. 2. The National Employment Council for Brick Making and Clay Products Manufacturing Industry continue operating but exclude all concrete products. 3. Both NEC to co-exist as primary and ancillary functions accordingly in terms of their scope of coverage. I so determine.” Then appellant appealed the ruling to this Court in terms of section 46 of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 hereafter called the Act. More

On the 19th of February, 2020 this court issued an order by consent of the parties referenced LC/H/ORD/137/2020. The Court directed the stay of disciplinary proceedings against Applicant and her reinstatement to her original position without loss of salary and benefits. After the proceedings before this court the employer took the position to pay damages rather than to reinstate the Applicant. This resulted in the Applicant approaching this court with her application for quantification of damages. The Respondent opposed the application. More