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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a chamber application for condonation of noncompliance with the Supreme Court Rules, 2018 and for extension of time in which to appeal made in terms of r 43. The intended appeal is against a judgment of the High Court which was handed down on 30 July 2021. In that judgment, the applicant’s application for a declaratur was dismissed. More

This is an application for a Declaratur. Its subject matter are the assessments issued by Respondent to Applicant on 17 January 2022 in respect of Applicant’s tax years, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. In the Respondent’s eyes this application seeks to invalidate Notices of Assessment issued to the Applicant in January 2022 in terms of the Income Tax Act [Chapter 23:06] [the ITA]. The Assessments or Notices of Assessment in question were the result of an objection and Appeal processes which was determined to be invalid at law by the Supreme Court under judgment number SC148/21 refers delivered on... More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. The test for leave to appeal is settled See Dombodzvuku v CMED. In the case at hand the applicant argues that it has a merited case on appeal in that the interpretation of the law on termination on notice is contrary to what has been settled by the Superior Courts. Main reliance is placed on the case of Greatermans Store (Pvt) Ltd v Ministry of Public Service CCZ 2/18. It is the applicant’s contention that a correct reading of Greatermans (supra) shows that the employer’s common law right... More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. The test for leave to appeal is settled See Dombodzvuku v CMED. In the case at hand the applicant argues that it has a merited case on appeal in that the interpretation of the law on termination on notice is contrary to what has been settled by the Superior Courts. Main reliance is placed on the case of Greatermans Store (Pvt) Ltd v Ministry of Public Service CCZ 2/18. It is the applicant’s contention that a correct reading of Greatermans (supra) shows that the employer’s common law right... More

In March, 2022 the first respondent successfully applied, through the urgent chamber book, for a provisional order in terms of which he interdicted the applicant from carrying out construction work at Stand number 3914, Westgate, Sandton, Harare as well as evicting the applicant from the property. He filed his suit under HC 1696/22. He sued the applicant, the second and third respondents. More

This appeal is against the lower court’s decision in the distribution of matrimonial property following the dissolution of a registered customary law marriage. The parties married in 1989 and had been living separately as husband and wife since 2011. Whilst divorce proceedings commenced in 2015, their matter was finalized in 2021. More

This is an application for the confirmation of a ruling in the matter between Godfrey Madondo and Sun Gold Syndicate. Sun Gold is in support of the confirmation while Madondo is opposed to same. The background to the matter is that Madondo was engaged by Sun Gold as a plant manager from 1st January, 2021. After serving Sun Gold for about a year Sun Gold purportedly terminated his service on notice. Madondo was aggrieved by the termination and took his matter up with the Labour Officer. Before the Labour Officer he claimed that he had been unlawfully dismissed from employment.... More