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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 26 May 2022, a default judgment was handed down in case number HC 6499/21. First respondent was the plaintiff in that matter. The default order declared her to be the surviving spouse of the deceased Alexander Makwena entitling her to inherit in the deceased’s estate and ordered second and third respondents to include her in the final administration account and distribution plan. The present application was filed on 6 October 2022. More

The appellant was tried, convicted and sentenced in the Provincial Magistrates court at Harare for the crime of Incitement to commit Public Violence as defined in s 187(1) as read with s 36 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. He was sentenced to imprisonment for three years of which one year was suspended for five years on conditions of good behavior. The state allegations were as follows. On the 31 July 2018 the appellant was at the Harare International Conference Centre, (HICC) as an accredited local election observer representing the MDC Alliance political party awaiting... More

Crossmill Enterprises sued out a summons at the Magistrates court against Pallematic Freight and Ncube. On 14 February 2023 the Magistrates Court granted a default judgment in favour of the Crossmill Enterprises, and the judgment is couched as follows: i. Cancellation of the lease agreement entered into and between the parties on 2 August 2018 and any other subsequent addendums. ii. Payment in the sum of USD$3, 727, 37 being in respect of arrear rentals and ZWL44,700.54 being in respect of arrear operating costs. Total arrears being USD$3,727.37 and ZWL44,700.54 payable as USD$ at the foreign exchange auction rate as... More

The applicants approached this court seeking to register an arbitral award in terms of Article 35 of the Model Law, which is contained in the Arbitration Act [Chapter 7:15]. The application was opposed by the respondent. The background to this dispute is that: the applicants are holders of mining claims, known as the Pangolin claims. Sometime in 2015, the respondent encroached upon, and took some soil containing chrome ore. From these claims. The applicants discovered this and instituted proceedings under HC 7386/15. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent employer finding the appellant employee guilty of conduct inconsistent with his employment and penalizing him with dismissal. The appellant raises 9 grounds of appeal but they all culminate into a single appeal ground that the appellant is not happy with the penalty which was meted out on him. He argues that he should have received a lower penalty taking into account that the stolen gun was not stolen in his custody but in the custody of another officer one who was well trained to use the gum and who he... More

Parks and Wildlife Management Authority is a Statutory Body empowered to control, manage and possess Victoria Falls National Park in terms of the Parks and Wildlife Management Act [Chapter 20:14]. Its relationship with Defendant is that of Lessor and Lessee over a restaurant and Curio Shop situated in the Rainforest at Victoria Falls National Park. The Lease Agreement between the parties was signed on the 2nd of March 2018. The lease period is extant, running from 01 January 2018 to 31 December 2027. From 01 January 2018 to 31 December 2022, Defendant was to pay an annual lease fee/rent of... More

Applicant is the lawful occupier of premises known as Parkview Weizman Sports Club (hereinafter referred to as the premises). Applicant holds a lease with the City of Bulawayo dated 8 June 1956. In or about the year 2001 applicant entered into a verbal sub-lease agreement in terms of which respondent took occupation of a portion of the premises. Respondent leases the premises for the purposes of operating a bar and a hall. In terms of the verbal lease respondent was obliged to pay rentals amounting to US$60 per month. Applicant alleges that respondent has not paid rentals since October 2015.... More