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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The respondent sought a protection order against the appellant in terms of s 8 of the Domestic Violence Act [Chapter 5:16]. She contended that the appellant was of violent disposition, and had subjected her to physical, emotional, psychological and economic abuse. After reading papers filed of record and hearing the parties the court a quo found that the respondent had proved a case of domestic violence as defined in the Domestic Violence Act. More

The applicants seek an order compelling the first respondent to transfer to them within three months of the order, ownership of a certain piece of land situate in Harare called Stand 3225 Bluffhill Township. The claim is based on an alleged agreement of sale between the applicants and the first respondent dated 23 June 2016. The applicants allege the first respondent has evinced an intention to cancel that agreement, or to breach it. More

The applicant was in the informal business of vending. On 17 April 2017, while selling her wares from a pavement on Chinhoyi Street close to Robert Mugabe Avenue in Harare, she was involved in a tragic accident. In her company was her son who was aged one year and two months. More

In this case the applicant was convicted of negligent driving as defined is s 52(2) of the Road Traffic Act [Chapter 13:11] and sentenced, on 2 April 2023, to pay a fine. In addition, he was prohibited from driving classes 2, 3 and 5 motor vehicles for an unspecified period. His licence was cancelled and he was ordered to surrender the licence to the clerk of court. This is an application for the suspension of that part of the punishment which relates to the prohibition from driving, and cancellation of the applicant’s driver’s licence. At the hearing I was advised... More

This is an application for condonation for noncompliance with the Labour Court Rules, 2017. The applicant seeks to file his notice of appeal out of time. He is out of time by 391 days. The applicant stated that he received the decision he is seeking to appeal against in December 2021. In January 2022 he noted his appeal against his employer’s decision to find him guilty and to dismiss him. The appeal was defective. He then filed an application to reinstate the appeal but this too was fatally defective. It was struck of the roll sometime in September 2022. On... More

The appellant, Paul Mgodi, who was a respondent in an application for an interdict in the court below, was interdicted from developing or causing the development of Stand 1484 Chirundu. The applicant, was Duweni Kutepa and is the first respondent herein. His averments in seeking that interdict were that sometime in 2015 he had been offered a commercial stand, being Stand 1484 Chrirundu by Chirundu Local Board, the second respondent herein. This had been through a letter dated 4 December 2014 which he annexed to his application. He averred that he had since paid the purchase price inclusive of all... More

This is a claim for a decree of divorce and ancillary relief. The parties were married in terms of the Marriage Act then Chapter 5:11 on the 1st of August 2015 and the marriage still subsists. Prior to their marriage they entered in a pre-nuptial contract to govern their marital regime. They have 2 minor children born of the marriage namely; Keegan Bruce Duncan King a boy born on 4June 2016 and Phillipa Ann King a girl born on 22 February 2018. More