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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 8 March, 2022 the fourth respondent, a legal entity, was granted a permit to use Stands 961 and 962 (“the stands”), Pomona Township of Stand 875 Pomona Township, Pomona, Borrowdale, Harare for a funeral parlor. The grant of the permit to the fourth respondent constitutes the applicant’s cause of action. It alleges that it owns Stand numbers 955, 959, 966, 967 and 968 in the same mentioned area and that a permit granting a change of use of land will adversely affect its operations. More

The applicants are importunate. They want back their money – $142 000 – all in the currency of the United States dollars [USD]. If the first respondent, their banker, will not pay, then the second and third respondents, collectively the monetary authorities, should. The applicants allege these monetary authorities are partly the reason the first respondent will not pay. The applicants want a whole range of some financial legislation, and certain monetary policies or directives, set aside on the grounds of constitutional invalidity. They first came to this court in 2019. The subject matter was the same. This court ruled... More

At the onset of oral argument in this Court, the respondents raised a point in limine which appellant opposed. The point was that the appeal to this Court was filed out of time and hence the matter ought to be struck off the roll. A brief background of the matter is apposite. 1. Appellant worked for Respondent as a security guard at S. Mugabe Hospital in Harare. 2. On the 27th September 2021 he was charged with misconduct. 3. A disciplinary hearing was held on the 1st October 2021. 4. By letter dated 4th October 2021 appellant was found guilty... More

This is a bail application pending trial. The applicants are charged with the crime of robbery as defined in s 126 (1)(a) as read with s 126 (2)(a) and s 126(3)(a)(b) of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] Act [Chapter 9:23]. It being alleged that on 11 March 2023 acting in common purpose with other two accomplices, armed with an unidentified pistol and Okapi knife used violence or threats of violence to subdue and rob the complainants of USD 3597.00, a black Itel cellphone, a Samsung J6 Plus, Gtel infinity cellphone, an Itel tablet and company keys. More

The plaintiff approached this court with a request for reasons for the 31st October order. Hence, my task is to give the basis for the order of 31 October 2023. The plaintiff instituted an action against the defendants for damages arising from a road traffic accident that was allegedly caused by the first defendant on 12 April 2018. The second defendant is being sued in its official capacity as the employer of the first defendant. The plaintiff’s claim is for US$234 000 which is also payable in local currency at the prevailing official rate. More

This is a court application for the placement of the first respondent under corporate rescue proceedings in terms of s 121 as read with ss 124 and 131 of the Insolvency Act [Chapter 6:07]. The application is opposed by the first respondent. More

The appellant brings an appeal against the judgment of the High Court (the court a quo) handed down on 21 July 2021. The reasons for judgment were delivered on 28 September 2021 under judgment number HH 533-21. The order struck off the appellant’s application to be declared the lawful lessee and occupier of Duncombe Service Station (the service station) situate at Duncombe Farm, Mazowe District in Mashonaland Central Province. The appellant further sought the eviction of the first and second respondents from the premises together with all those claiming the right of occupation and use through them. More