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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The Respondent through his Notice of Response and Heads of Argument has taken four points in limine. The points are as follows; (1) That the Notice of Appeal as filed is fatally defective for non-compliance with the provisions of Rule 19 (1) of the Labour Court rules, 2017. More particularly that the appeal was filed outside of the twenty-one (21) days of receipt of determination as outlined in Rule 19 (1). (2) That the relief being sought in the Notice of appeal is incompetent at law in that Appellant is seeking reinstatement only without an alternative claim for damages in... More

This is an appeal against the dismissal of Appellant from Respondent’s employ. There are eight(8) grounds of appeal . Out of those 8 grounds the parties agreed that with respect to the first four grounds they will abide by papers filed of record and oral argument will be restricted to grounds 5to7.As usual following the grounds is the prayer. The prayer reads: ‘WHEREFORE the Applicant prays for an Order for the setting aside of the Disciplinary Authority’s decision.’ More

The notice of application for review sets out three (3) grounds for review being bias, irrationality and predetermined outcome. In the course of oral argument respondent abandoned its objection to the 3rd ground (predetermined outcome). As for the 2nd ground (irrationally) it is just 6 lines which essentially say the decision impugned was based on applicant’s absence from the hearing without considering the reasons for the absence. This Court considers it as a cognisable ground for review. Apparently, respondent’s real beef is about the 1st ground (bias). The ground was broken down into 9 paragraphs. These cover a range of... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the Magistrate sitting at Harare. The appellant was the plaintiff in the court a quo while respondent was the defendant. The issues before the trial court and indeed before us were narrowly defined. Plaintiff lent the defendant the sum of US$15 000 in February 2016. An acknowledgement of debt was signed to that effect. The acknowledgement of debt is contained at p 18 of the record. The defendant does not dispute signing the acknowledgement of debt. More

The applicant is a holder of a lease agreement with the fourth respondent in respect of Stand number 5098 Saturday Retreat, Harare (the property). The applicant has been paying rentals to the fourth respondent in terms of that agreement. The applicant claims that the first and second respondents, who are members of the third respondent invaded the property and built structures thereon. This was done without the permission of the applicant and the fourth respondent. The applicant has instituted eviction proceedings against the respondents which proceedings have been defended. The applicant believes that the respondents have no bonafide defence to... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the Magistrate sitting at Harare Magistrates Court. The parties entered into what is termed a BOT agreement, which is a Build, Operate and Transfer agreement. Essentially the agreement is encapsulated in a document at p 46 of the record. More

The applicant brought a composite application in terms of r59 (1) as read with r27 and r29 (1) (a) of the High Court Rules, 2021 and alternatively common law seeking the following relief: Condonation for non- compliance with the Rules and extension of time within which to file a court application for rescission of default judgment, and Rescission of a default judgment granted by this Honourable Court under Case No. HC 2972/17. More