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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent employer’s General Manager where he upheld the guilty verdict and dismissal penalty meted out on appellant employee following allegations of disobedience to a lawful order, fraud and conduct inconsistent with his employment in breach of the respondents’ code of conduct. More

Appellant appealed to this Court against his dismissal from employment by Respondent. The appeal is provided for by Section 92D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 as read with Rule 19 of the Labour Court Rules S.I. 150 of 2017. Respondent opposed the appeal. More

Appellant employee filed an appeal against his dismissal from employment by the respondent employer following allegations of misconduct. The employer is opposed to the grant of appellate relief as it is its view that appellant does not have a good case on appeal. When parties appeared before the court the employer took the point that the appeal grounds 1 to 6 were review grounds as they sought to interrogate the process leading to the guilty verdict and dismissal penalty so these should have been brought up in an application for review as opposed to an appeal. In reaction to the... More

Respondent applied for condonation of belated filing of its response. It stated that the response was due on the 21st September 2023 but was filed one (1) day later on 22nd September 2023. The delay was caused by the fact that the respondent is based in Bindura whilst the Court is situate in Harare. No prejudice has been alleged or shown by appellant. All necessary papers now being available respondent argued that it was in the interests of justice that condonation be granted and the matter be determined on its merits. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an order staying the execution of the writ issued pursuant to the order granted in Case No. HC 3805/23. The writ of ejectment to which the application relates was issued on 30 January 2024. On the return date the applicants seek the setting aside of the writ and a declaration that the first and third respondents are not entitled to evict the applicants from Koo Doo Reg. No. 42792, whose coordinates are stated as A-0461428 8088194, B-0461876 8088047, C-0461816 8087852, D-0461320 8088019 and from their homes and fields. More

This is an election petition presented in terms of the provisions of Part XXIII of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13] (“the Act”). On 23 August 2023 Zimbabwe held general elections for the election of the President, members of the National Assembly and Councilors. The challenged election relates to the member of the National Assembly for Nkayi North Constituency in Matabeleland North Province (“the Nkayi North Constituency”). The election result of this Constituency was announced on 24 August 2024. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Exemptions Committee of the National Employment Council for Rural District Councils. The Facts The Respondent was employed as a field officer by the Appellant. He was charged with fraud and after the internal hearing was dismissed from employment. Disgruntled with this decision, the Respondent appealed to the Exemptions Committee which set aside the decision of the hearing committee and reinstated him to his former position. More