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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The Appellant is employed as a Divisional Intelligence Officer by the Respondent. Proceedings of the Disciplinary hearing were conducted to inquire into and report on allegations that the Appellant had signed two contracts on behalf of the Central Intelligence Organisation with Leggim Enterprises worth forty eight thousand, nine hundred and seventy eight United States Dollars and seventy six cents ($48 978.76) and twenty eight thousand one hundred and twenty four United States Dollars and twenty cents (US $28 124.20) for the construction of a store room and water and oil separator without authority from the Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) PIO... More

This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the Labour Court (the court a quo) sitting at Harare which confirmed the arbitrator’s award against the appellant. More

On 5 August 2022, the plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming the total amount of one hundred thousand United States dollars being fifty thousand United States dollars for adultery damages and another fifty thousand United States dollars for loss of consortium and companionship. This was later amended following the defendant’s plea to fifty thousand United States dollars for loss of consortium and conjugal rights and fifty thousand United States dollars for contumelia. More

The plaintiff issued summons out of this court claiming the following order 1. An order directing first defendant to accept delivery of 600 bags of pc 15 cement at an address of choice in Harare or Ruwa More

The factual background that gave rise to this application is that, on the 19th of December 2021, as she was at Nyabira Toll Gate, her motor vehicle Mazda BT50 double cab was impounded by ZINARA on the instruction of Zimra for having failed to pay the requisite duty. Aggrieved by this action, applicant filed an application for a spoliation order in this Court under HC 1014/22, which application was unsuccessful for failure to give the requisite notice. More

Appellant was in the employ of the Respondent as Finance and Administration Director. Allegations of misconduct were levelled against in terms of the National Code of Conduct, that is, contravening section 4 (a), it being alleged that he was guilty of gross incompetence or inefficiency in the performance of his duties. The brief allegations were that Appellant had presented a financial report containing incorrect information which was calculated to mislead Respondent’s Board. In the hearing several witnesses were called to testify against the Appellant. It is important to make the observation that none of the witnesses gave any evidence to... More

This is an application in terms of section 14 of the High Court Act, Chapter 7:06 seeking a declaratory order in the following terms; “1. The application is hereby granted. 2. It is hereby declared that the partnership agreement entered into by and between the parties authorizing applicant and 2nd respondent to use 1st respondent’s company credentials is valid and binding. 3. 1st respondent shall pay costs of suit at the legal practitioner and client scale.” More