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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Applicant applied to this Court for condonation of a belated Response. Respondent opposed the applicant. The basis of the application is set out in applicant’s founding affidavit More

This is an opposed chamber application for the review of a taxation conducted by the first respondent. More

This is an appeal against the determination, handed down in terms of Section 63 (3a) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01] (hereafter referred to as the Act) by the Designated Agent of the National Employment Council for the Mining Industry, Mr V. Tasiyana. The determination was handed down on 14 March 2022. More

This is an application for leave to appeal this court’s decision to the supreme court. The intended appeal seeks to challenge a finding of this court to the effect that the meeting held by the applicant was not valid for failure to comply with statutory provisions of the Rural District Councils Act [chapter 29:13]. The applicant seeks to argue, among other issues that it was the respondent who had called the meeting a special council meeting in terms of Section 46 (4) of the Rural District Councils Act when the meeting was in fact not a special council meeting as... More

In March 2020, respondent issued summons in the magistrates’ court against the two appellants claiming payment of a sum of $300 000 being general damages for malicious arrest and prosecution at the instance of the two appellants. More

On the 22nd of July 2022 the plaintiff sued out summons out of this court seeking US$23 600-00 in damages against the defendants arising from a road traffic accident that took place at the 84km peg along the Harare Chirundu Road. The claim is broken down as follows, 1. US$ 10 800 -00 being replacement value of a damaged motor vehicle a Mercedes Benz C200. 2. US$1 800 -00 for medication and allied costs. 3. US$260-00 being cost of towing the motor vehicle incurred by the plaintiff. 4. US$6 000-00 for pain and suffering incurred by plaintiff. 5. US$5 000-00... More

The will of the testator was invalidated by his subsequent marriage to second respondent. Section 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 6:06] grants the High Court power to enquire into and determine any existing, future or contingent right or obligation upon application by an interested person. Section 30(1) of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 6:06] provides inter alia that letters of administration granted to a person as testamentary executor are subject to revocation or annulment upon proof to the satisfaction of the High Court that the will is null. More