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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The respondent is a transport operating entity duly registered in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. The appellant was employed by the respondent as a bus conductor. His duties included collecting fares from passengers and for such passengers’ luggage and issuing tickets to the said passengers . More

The appellant was charged with contravention of s 65(1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23] it being alleged that he unlawfully had sexual intercourse with complainant without her consent as at the time complainant was drunk and asleep. Despite pleading not guilty to the charge and claiming that the sexual intercourse was consensual appellant was convicted of the charge and sentenced to 12 years imprisonment, 4 years of which were suspended for 5 years on conditions of good behaviour leaving an effective sentence of 8 years imprisonment More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court (“court a quo”) wherein it granted an application for review of the second respondent’s decision authorizing the permit for the construction of a funeral parlor by the appellant. More

The appellants appeared before the court a quo on initial remand. They face a charge of contravention of s60 A (3) (b) of the Electricity Act (Chapter 13:19). It is alleged that between 30 March and 14 April 2024 at Ngwati Shaft, Zimplats Kadoma, the appellants in the company of two others who were granted bail unlawfully cut 419 metres of armoured copper cables weighing 2 572kgs whose value is US$45 360. It was all recovered. An application for bail pending trial was made. It was opposed by the State. More

: The plaintiff issued summons claiming a decree of divorce and ancillary relief. The claim was opposed. The parties contracted a civil marriage under the then Marriage Act [ Chapter 5:11] at Harare on 2 September 1995. The court’s jurisdiction is premised on the fact that the defendant is a Zimbabwean citizen who is domiciled in Zimbabwe. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court of Zimbabwe (the court a quo) dated 6 April 2023 in which it convicted the appellant of murder as defined in s 47 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23] and subsequently sentenced him to death. In the main, the appellant seeks that he be acquitted of the charge of murder. In the alternative, that the sentence of death be quashed and substituted by a prison sentence of 10 years. In a further alternative that the proceedings against the appellant be permanently stayed. More

The applicants are former employees of the respondent. Their employment contracts were terminated and they challenged the termination. The matter was taken before a designated agent who confirmed termination for all but two of the employees. The decision was appealed to the Labour Court. The appeal was upheld. The respondent did not reinstate the applicants. They approached the designated agent seeking that the respondent be ordered to reinstate the applicants. The respondent raised the preliminary issue of res judicata, arguing that the designated agent had already dealt with the matter. The designated agent held that the matter of reinstatement was... More