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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Applicant filed this application seeking a declaratur to the effect that: 1. The Deed of Settlement entered into between the applicant and respondent on 2 October 2018 and filed with the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe be and is hereby declared the only binding deed of settlement between the parties. 2. Consequently, the Deed of Settlement produced by the respondent dated 18 August 2020 be and is hereby declared not a valid document and is set aside. 3. Applicants’ debt arising from the judgment HH 689/16 and the proceedings under SC 273/17 was discharged by the payment of the sum of... More

Applicant filed an application for condonation of the failure to file an appeal timeously under case number LC/H/157/23. On 13 June 2022, after hearing the parties, the Court proceeded to render an Ex Tempore Judgment on the same date dismissing the application. The Applicant proceeded to file an application for leave to appeal under Case Number LC/H/531/23. This matter was set down for hearing on 27 September 2023. However, Applicant was not in attendance. The application was struck off the off the roll. It is pertinent to note that after the judgment of 13 June 2022, Applicant’s representative requested for... More

This is an application for reinstatement of an appeal, that is, case number LC/H/497/22. More

1. This is an appeal against the whole determination done by a designated agent for the National Employment Council for the Air Transport Industry dated the 31st March 2023. More

On the 13th of March the parties were in court on an appeal by the applicant. The respondent raised a preliminary point to the effect that the right to appeal was prescribed as has been decided in Patrick Munjovha v Delta Beverages (Pvt) Ltd SC 64/21. The appellant conceded the point and the appeal was struck off. (In hindsight it should have been dismissed. The order was uploaded the following day, the 14th. More

This appeal involves the sale of a motor vehicle gone wrong. After the sale of the motor vehicle some two years later it was seized by ZIMRA officials resulting in the buyer approaching the Magistrates court seeking reimbursement of the sale price and related relief. The seller counter claimed for the sum of US$2 500 which had been given to the buyer for payment of duty. The court a quo found for the buyer dismissed the counter claim. The seller is unhappy about this resolution and filed this appeal. More

The applicant, a group of seventeen (17) Zimbabwean women all of whom are in the diaspora, applies for a mandamus. It moves me to: i) prohibit the respondent from transferring or allocating any portion of the Remainder of Subdivision E of Douglousdale, Bulawayo (“the property”) which is 38, 8495 hectares in extent to any person who has not contributed to the purchase of the same; ii) compel the respondent to furnish to it, through its legal practitioners of record, the list of all persons who contributed towards the purchase of the property; iii) compel the respondent to notify it, through... More