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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against a decision by a designated agent (DA) under the Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Catering Industry (CBA Catering). More

The applicant, (Ignatius), is a beneficiary of the land reform process, having signed with the Government a 99 year lease agreement. Ignatius filed this court application, challenging the intention to cancel the lease by the second respondent, (the Minister). The application was initially filed without the second respondent, (Marian), who was joined to these proceedings as a party through the order of this court on 23 November 2022 under case number HC 6122/22. More

The applicant approached this Court seeking relief by way of a declaratur. More

This is an application for review wherein the applicant seeks the setting aside the respondent’s decision to declare one of its trucks and two trailers (the vehicles) declared forfeit to the State. The forfeiture followed the vehicles’ irregular importation into the country on a temporary import permit. The applicant claims that the decision to forfeit those vehicles was tainted by gross unreasonableness and gross irrationality lending itself to being set aside on review. Consequent to such setting aside of the respondent’s decision, the applicant prays that the vehicles be released to it. More

The plaintiffs are a married couple, so too are the defendants. The two sets of couples are locked in a dispute over the financial implications of the demise of their short-lived business partnership. The business partnership which came into existence sometime in July 2020 went into a tailspin barely three months into its life before collapsing entirely. As between them the parties had two business concerns comprising a hardware store and a baby supplies shop. The causes of the demise of the partnership are yet contested, suffice it to say that in the immediate aftermath thereof, the plaintiff’s instituted the... More

This is an appeal following a determination by a designated agent (DA) dismissing the appellant’s claim for constructive dismissal by the respondent. The appellant was employed by the respondent initially as a demonstrator. He was later elevated to the position of sales representative. The record shows that on 12th December 2022 the respondent made a decision to retrench the appellant More

The applicant approached this Honourable court on an urgent basis seeking the following relief; it is ordered that, i) First respondents bar and restaurant operating at number 71 Central Avenue, Harare be and is hereby declared an unlawful nuisance infringing on applicant’s rights. ii) that the first respondents license to operate a bar and restaurant operating at number 71 central avenue issued without following due process be and is hereby declared null and void. iii) That the second and third respondent be and are hereby directed to revoke the issued license upon the issuance of this order, and lastly. iv)... More