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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court (the ‘court a quo’) dated 6 May 2022, judgment number LC/H/108/22 in which it dismissed the appellants’ application seeking an order that the Works Council Meeting and Resolution of 15 September 2010 related to the appellants who were on fixed term contracts. More

The 1st appellant is an Agronomist in the Hurungwe District of Mashonaland West. The 2nd appellant is farmer in Karoi. They were jointly charged with fraud in contravention of s136 of the Criminal Law [codification and Reform] Act (Chapter 9:23). The offence relates to fraud in respect of agricultural inputs supplied by the Government. More

The applicant holds a Master’s Degree in Finance. He was last employed as the Group Financial Officer of a mining company. He was also a board member of the company. At the time of the hearing of this application, he was no longer so employed. In fact, he was out of employment. He lost his employment with the mining company in circumstances that led in part to this application More

This is an application for condonation for late filing an application for review. It is opposed. PRELIMINARY ISSUES At the commencement of the hearing , preliminary issues were raised on behalf of the 1st respondent . These are that the draft application for review does not comply with rules of this Court ,Statutory Instrument 150/2017( the Rules); that the relief sought is incompetent and further that the review application is premature More

This is a judgment on preliminary issues which were raised on behalf of the 1st respondent where the main matter was an application for review. The following were the preliminary issues. That the application was defective in that it did not comply with the provisions of R20 of the Rules of this Court and Form LC5; that the grounds for review were not concise and precise; issue estoppel/res judicata in that the applicant was raising an appealable matter in an application for review where such matter had been competently dealt with in terms of a code of conduct. The respondent... More

1. This is an application for bail pending appeal against both conviction and sentence. 2. It was triggered by the judgement of this court convicting them, together with one Terrence Mukupe, of the alternative charge of contravening s 174(1)(e) of the Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 23:02] (“the Customs and Excise Act”) and the sentence imposed on each of them. More

This is an appeal against the decision of a Magistrate Court sitting as a Community Court of appeal ordering her eviction. More