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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Plaintiff (“Addax”) is a peregrine registered in Geneva, Switzerland. It procures petroleum fuels from the United Arab Emirates, India and Russia to supply the Zimbabwean market. Defendant is a local fuel monger and recipient of fuel from Addax. More

The appellant was charged and convicted of the following acts of misconduct under S.I.15 of 2006 of the National Employment Code of Conduct which reads; “5.1. S4 (a) any act of conduct or omission inconsistent with the fulfilment of the express or implied conditions of his or her contract. 5.2. (f) gross incompetency or inefficiency in the performance of his or her work. A penalty of dismissal was imposed thereafter. His appeal to the Appeals Officer was dismissed hence the present appeal. More

The plaintiff caused a Summons to be issued out of this Court claiming cancellation of a lease agreement of a 20-tonne Roundebult Excavator, payment of USD51 450.00 being arrear rentals, holding over damages calculated at the rate of USD 250.00 per week with effect from the 16th of October 2022, interest at the prescribed rate from the date of Summons to the date of full and final payments and costs of suit on a higher scale. The defendant defended all the claims. More

In this urgent court application for a declaratory order, the applicant seeks the following order: “IT IS ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 1. It be and is hereby declared that: a. The applicant having sold its product FCA EX- works the “gross fair market value” for purposes of s 37(9) of the Finance Act [Chapter 23:04] is the face value of the invoice or price the mineral was sold at the place of such sale, namely in Zimbabwe. b. The exclusion of the cost of freight by reason of the terms of sale was not a deduction made by the applicant, neither... More

At the onset of oral argument in this Court respondent raised 2 points in limine which appellant opposed. Respondent abandoned the other points mentioned in his papers. The points shall be dealt with herein ad seriatim. More

The applicants and 1st respondent entered into a sale agreement on 8 April 2015 wherein the 1st respondent sold the property in question. The applicants in turn sold the property to one Sinikiwe Charambeni. In November 2019 the 1st respondent issued summons seeking the cancellation of the sale agreement between him and the applicants on allegations that the applicants had breached the agreement. The 1st respondent subsequently obtained a default order under HC 2611/19 which order cancelled the Agreement of Sale. The applicants became aware of this development after Charambeni advised them of her eviction from the property. The applicants... More

This is an application for review. This follows the dismissal of the applicant by respondent following disciplinary proceedings. At the conclusion of the proceedings a default judgment was entered against the applicant. The applicant asserts that he was there and indeed initially the record shows that he was present. He says he excused himself and left the proceedings in order for him to go and collect his lawyer who was failing to locate the venue where the proceedings were being conducted. When he returned with his lawyer, he realized that the proceedings had continued during his absence. A determination was... More