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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the decision of the designated agent who found that appellant was guilty of habitual neglect of his duties and penalised him with dismissal. Facts of the matter are that appellant was accused of habitual neglect of duty where it was said that he was in the habit of taking sick time off and upon expiration of the sick leave he would not come back to work thus prejudicing the operations of the respondent where the appellant’s duties involved team work with a colleague who would end up working alone in appellant’s absence to the detriment... More

In 2006, respondent registered a company called Secam Productions (Pvr) Ltd which specialized in video sales. The directors were the respondent, holding 70% of the shares, Nobuhle Mpofu with 20% shares and Sikhanyiso Dube with 10% shares. Respondent and 1st and 2nd applicants are former employees of a company called Zambezi Helicopter Company, a company providing helicopter rides in Victoria Falls. Respondent and 1st applicant entered into an agreement for mutual termination of employment with their employer, in which they were given an opportunity to run their own video business and were immediately to resign as employees of Zambezi Helicopter... More

The following are the grounds of appeal and I quote: 1. ‘The Tribunal a quo erred and misdirected itself on a point of law in failing to appreciate that the essential elements of the offence of embezzlement had not been proven. More

On the 6th of April 2021, the plaintiff caused a summons to be issued from this Court praying for a decree of divorce, and sharing of marital property. Maintenance was to continue being regulated by the extant order of the Kwekwe maintenance court. The defendant entered an appearance to defend and the matter progressed to trial leading to this judgment. More

This is an appeal against a determination by the Respondents’ Chief Executive Officer sitting in his capacity as an Appeals Authority. The determination which was handed down on 3rd of June, 2020, in its operative part, dismissed the appeal noted by the now Appellant against the determination of the disciplinary committee. Secondly, the appeals authority upheld a cross appeal by the now Respondent, thereby setting aside the lesser penalty imposed by the respondents’ Disciplinary Committee and substituting it with a heavier penalty of dismissal from respondent’s employment with immediate effect. The Respondent was also directed to recover from the Appellant... More

This is an application for quantification of damages in which the Applicant is seeking the total sum of USD $1 446 738, 75 as salaries and back pay in lieu of reinstatement for a period running from July 2016 to January 2023. The Applicant is also claiming punitive damages on the Respondent in the sum of USD $624 000 in addition to pension and medical aid. The Respondent is of the view that the amounts claimed by the Applicant are absurd and totally unwarranted given the fact that the Applicant found alternative employment from March 2018 to August 2021.It also... More

The applicant claims to hold rights, title and interest in a property situate in Belvedere suburb, Harare called stand 40295 Belvedere measuring 2106 square metres. She claims to have purchased the property by reason of a cession of rights from one Chris Edwin who had purchased the property from the third respondent. The agreement of sale between Chris Edwin and the third respondent was attached to the applicant’s supplementary affidavit filed on 25 July 2022. That agreement was executed by the third respondent and Chris Edwin on 10 October 2016. In terms of clause 8 of the agreement of sale... More