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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
[1] The germ seed of the dispute before me is foreign currency, an indispensable enabler of local and in particular, international trade and commerce. [2] This resource is also regulated, and quite stringently too, by a compendium of instruments. These range from primary and subsidiary legislation, a raft of directives, measures and circulars, to periodic policy statements by treasury and the central bank. This background forms part of the wider discretionary considerations relevant to the resolution of the present dispute. More

This is a review of the disciplinary proceedings which resulted in applicant being found guilty of misconduct and being penalised with dismissal from work. The applicant had placed before the court 5 review grounds but in his oral address withdrew grounds 2, 3 and 4 thus leaving for determination only grounds 1 and 5. Ground 1 relates to improper composition of the disciplinary body. Ground 5 relates to failure by the disciplinary body to give applicant a chance to mitigate. Applicant prays that on the success of these 2 grounds his guilty verdict and dismissal penalty be upset and substituted... More

On 3 November 2021, the plaintiff instituted summons proceedings against the defendant claiming damages in the sum of US$36 660.00, arising from a breach of contract signed by the parties. The plaintiff also claims interest at the prescribed rate calculated from the date of service of summons to date of full payment, plus costs of suit. More

Appellant (employee) appealed to this Court against her dismissal from employment by Respondent (employer). The appeal was made in terms of section 54 of the Judicial Service Regulations S.I. 30/15. The employer opposed the appeal. More

In this divorce trial, the main issue centres on whether plaintiff is entitled to a 50% share of immovable property known as 316 Ard Na Lee Close, Glen Lorne, in Harare. The claim is against the back drop of nearly four years of marriage to the plaintiff. The parties married in November 2017 and the separated in September 2021. More

Appellant appealed to this Court against her dismissal from employment by Respondent. The appeal was made in terms of Section 92D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01. Respondent opposed the appeal. The grounds of appeal were eight-fold. However Respondent’s attorney submitted that the grounds broadly raise 2 (two) issues being the propriety of the conviction and the penalty respectively. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Hearing Officer who found Appellant guilty of misconduct culminating in his dismissal from employment. More