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Court Judgements

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Respondent stated that appellant’s attorney Mr Gwanyanya does not have right of audience in this Court as he did not file an Assumption of Agency. In response Gwanyanya stated that he uploaded an Assumption of Agency on 23 January 2024. A hard copy was produced. The point arose presumably because the appeal was filed by the employers association on behalf of appellant. However now that the Assumption has been filed albeit belatedly the point falls away. In any event respondent did not allege or prove any prejudice it suffered thereby. More

On the 7th September 2023 respondent’s Disciplinary Authority (DA) found appellant guilty of misconduct. As penalty she was transferred from Zvishavane District Hospital to Mberengwa District Hospital. Appellant then appealed her conviction and penalty to respondent (Commission) who dismissed the appeal on 17th October 2023. Appellant then appealed to this Court in terms of Section 52 of the Health Service Regulations. S.I. 117 of 2006. Respondent opposed the appeal. More

The plaintiff issued summons for compensation in the sum of US$25 000 for improvements on Stand number 3701, Cold Stream, Chinhoyi ‘the property’ after the death of Felix Chasi alternatively that, in the event the defendant fails to pay then the plaintiff buys off the defendant from the property and costs of suit. The claim is based on unjust enrichment. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court (the court a quo) handed down on 9 March 2023. The court a quo dismissed the appellant’s appeal against the decision of the Disciplinary Hearing Authority which dismissed him from employment. More

This is an urgent court application in which the applicant seeks the following relief: “1. That the actions of the respondents (sic) or their lawful agents in taking over the property at Stand 836 and 837 Mazoe is an act of spoliation. 2. The respondent or any of their agents are hereby ordered to restore possession of Stand 836 and 837 Mazoe District to the applicants (sic) forthwith. 3. That it is hereby ordered that any other person is barred from interfering with the premises on Stand 836 and 837 Mazoe District without a lawful cause and order of the... More

The applicant, a legal entity, is a relentless litigator. It has been in and out of this court on not less than five occasions. It has taken some of its cases to the Supreme Court on not less than two occasions. In all the stated effort, its aim and object, it states, were to wrestle Stand 11, Bulawayo Light Industrial Site of Bulawayo Township Lands (“the property”) which is held under Deed of Transfer 462/1977 from the first respondent to itself. More

The facts are common cause and are briefly that the application was employed by the respondent as a sales consultant. He was charged with acts of misconduct in terms of Section 4 (a) of the Labour (National Employment Code of Conduct) regulations, 2006 (SI 15/06) (National Code). It was alleged that on 29 August 2022 and 1st September 2022 the applicant had allegedly accessed a customer’s call data and shared same with the customer’s husband without getting permission from the customer. It was alleged further that on 29 August 2022, applicant had sent a WhatsApp message in a work group... More