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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This matter is concerned with a leadership wrangle in the first applicant. The leadership wrangle pits two factions seeking control of the first applicant against each other. The leading characters are the second to fourth applicants and the first, second, fifth and sixth respondents, respectively. These are either current or former members of the National Council of the first applicant. The first applicant is a trade union which represents the interests of employees in the medical and allied industry. It is duly registered in terms of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] (the Act). The third respondent is an employment council... More

The applicant filed a Chamber Application seeking leave to appeal against a judgment of the Labour Court dated 18 July, 2023. The respondent filed opposing papers. The matter was set down for a virtual hearing on 12 February 2024 but had to be rescheduled to 15 February 2024 due to technical challenges that were experienced. More

This is a hybrid application for a declarator and a mandamus which seeks the determination of the applicable tariff for enforcement purposes of the order obtained on 20 October 2020 under Civil Appeal No. SC 142/20. The issue is whether the court can make an order in terms of s 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06] to the effect that the applicable tariff to the applicant’s costs is as enunciated by the Law Society in the form of the 2011 USD Tariff and a mandamus compelling the first respondent to allow costs under SC 142/20 to be taxed... More

This is an urgent court application for a declaratur. After hearing and considering the evidence and submissions made by counsel, in an ex-tempore judgment I dismissed the application with costs for lack of merit. In a letter dated 12 February 2024 the applicant has requested for reasons for the judgment. More

This is a chamber application for Contempt of Court Proceedings in terms of r 79(1) of the High Court Rules 2021. Sometime in January 2022, the applicant and the respondent entered into an agreement of sale in terms of which the respondent sold to the applicant rights, title and interest in stand 13993 Kuwadzana Extension Harare for USD 17000.00. Having paid USD 15400.00, the respondent became evasive and refused to take the balance of USD 1600.00. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent’s employer which resulted in appellant being dismissed from work following allegations of having received money as payment for blood transfused on a patient yet such blood was obtainable for free at the hospital and for having administered the transfusion without following laid down procedure. The attack is both on the verdict and penalty. Respondent employer is opposed to grant of appellate relief citing the fact that no good case for appeal has been made out by the appellant. More

On the 30th March 2023, Applicant in her capacity as a Labour Officer issued a ruling. She dismissed 1st and 2nd Respondents’ (employees) claim of unfair and unlawful termination of employment by 3rd Respondent (employer). Applicant then applied to this Court on 15th May 2023 for the confirmation of her ruling as per Section 93(5a) of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01. The both employees opposed the application whilst the employer supported it. More