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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the judgment of the Labour Court (the court a quo) sitting at Bulawayo handed down on 31 May 2022 which ordered the appellant to pay to the first respondent the sum of ZWL 11 417 548.17 and to the second respondent the sum of ZWL 2 951 701.67. The court a quo ordered these amounts to be back dated increments on the salaries the respondents earned during the period 2002 to 2008, inclusive of interest at the rate of 5% per annum for 14 years. More

The applicant and the 1st respondent executed a written agreement for the supply, delivery and installation of instrumentation, control and electrical equipment for the Mabvuku Ethanol Storage Tanks Project. The contract price was US$ 2 268 199.90. It was a material term of the agreement that the applicant would defray the 1st respondent’s costs for materials purchased for the project on production of an invoice, valuation report and interim certificate. The parties amended the agreement on two subsequent occasions in order to address the changes in the country’s monetary policy. The main effect of the amendments was to restructure the... More

The applicant approached this court for a rei vindicatio to recover a motor vehicle that was issued to the respondent as part of his conditions of employment with the applicant. The respondent’s contract of employment was terminated on 31 August 2020, and he was requested to surrender the vehicle. The respondent did not surrender the vehicle despite the request. More

Respondent served as applicant`s acting managing director between July 2020 and January 2021. During the period February and December 2021, he was arrested and prosecuted over matters arising in the course of duty. The charge was Criminal Abuse of Duty as a Public Officer in terms of Section 174(1) (b) of the Criminal Law, Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. More

This is an application wherein the applicant seeks the following relief: “The respondent replaces 970 to 1077 Kwekwe Township of stand 7799 Kwekwe Township situate in the District of Kwekwe with a suitable industrial stand acceptable to the applicant and that the respondent bears the costs of suit.” At the hearing of the matter respondent raised 3 preliminary points, one of documents irregularly filed in the court record in breach of the rules, seeking that such documents be expunged. The second preliminary point is that of locus standi that the purported agreement of sale is between respondent and a different... More

At the onset of oral argument in this Court, respondent raised a point in limine which applicant opposed. The point is to the effect that the application for rescission is fatally defective for failure to comply with the Labour Court Rules, 2017 as amended. More

At the onset of oral argument in this Court, respondent raised a point in limine which applicant opposed. The point is to the effect that the application for condonation is fatally defective for failure to comply with the Labour Court Rules, 2017 as amended. More