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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This appeal is about deductions made by the appellant [“Nestle”] in the tax years 2014 to 2018 which the respondent [“ZRA”] disallowed. Nestle argues that ZRA wrongly disallowed the deductions as the expenses had been genuinely incurred in the production of its income and therefore legitimately deducted. On the other hand, ZRA insists that the expenses fell outside the range of permissible deductions. More

This matter is a civil appeal against the whole judgment of the Magistrate sitting at Harare. Before the trial Magistrate, the plaintiff was the appellant herein. The respondents herein were the defendants. The plaintiffs sought to evict the defendants from Patric House, Nelson Mandela/Fifth Street Harare. Defendants were given three months on 10 October 2022 to leave the premises. More

On 3rd March 2023 at Bindura, Labour Officer L. Denhere issued a ruling which reads, “Having considered the foregoing analysis I dismiss the claims for underpayment and non-payment of termination benefits. The respondent is ordered to pay the claimant cash in lieu of for 90 days accrued and give him a reference letter.” Appellant (employee) then appealed the ruling in terms of section 92D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 hereafter called the Act. Respondent (employer) opposed the appeal. More

This matter was set down so that a review application filed on behalf of the applicant could be heard. At the commencement of the hearing the legal practitioner on behalf of the respondent stood up to address the Court. The nature of the application was not immediately articulated in order for the Court to appreciate it. More

The background to the matter as given by the applicants’ representative stems from an agreement the applicants had with the 1st respondent wherein funds were to be pooled together for a co-operative venture. The co-operative was to purchase land for the benefit of all the applicants. More

This is an application for condonation for late noting of appeal. It is opposed. I must express from the outset, my concern with the perception some litigants may have of the rules of the Labour Court Statutory Instrument 150/2017(the Rules) and how they are applied. I say this in view of the present matter and how it was presented. It is trite that this Court exercises equitable jurisdiction in dealing with matters which are brought before it. However, this is always done within the confines of both the rules of the Court and the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 ( the... More

This is an appeal against the decision by a designated agent reinstating the respondent (the employee) into his former position with no loss of salary and benefits. The designated agent also ordered the payment of back pay for two different periods and the appellant was not challenging the backpay which relates to the period the respondent was unlawfully dismissed. More