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Court Judgements

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This is an appeal against the respondents’ decision to dismiss the appellant. At the commencement of the hearing Ms Ndoro who appeared on behalf of the appellant indicated that in noting the appeal they relied on S92EE of the Labour Act, Chapter 28:01(the Act). Upon inquiry from the Court why they relied on S92EE of the Act when an appeal was under consideration it was stated that, that stance was adopted because the proceedings were tainted with bias. In addressing the Court both grounds for review and appeal were interchangeably referred to. Indeed paragraph 6 of the Heads of Argument... More

This is an appeal against part of the judgment of the High Court of Zimbabwe (“the court a quo”), sitting as an appellate court at Harare, dated 9 October 2023. The part appealed against is the dismissal, by the court a quo,of the appellant’s appeal against both conviction and sentence. More

At the initial hearing of this matter Mr Madzvamuse applied for a postponement of this matter to enable the finalization of an application for joinder filed under HCH 1110/24. The court granted that application and this resulted in the joinder of 554 other applicants to a matter wherein there were initially 300 applicants. More

The Applicant (respondent in this appeal) filed an application in the Magistrates Court seeking inter alia restoration of the status quo ante before the spoliation and that the respondents (Appellants in this matter) and anyone acting through them be ordered to vacate the property known as Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Derbyshire, Harare. The applicant also wanted the Respondents interdicted and restrained from asking, encouraging or instructing any of their employees or agents from visiting or invading the mentioned property, and that they be interdicted and restrained from visiting the property of the Applicant. In opposing the application, Respondents... More

This application for condonation of late noting of appeal and extension of time within which to note an appeal against conviction and sentence has no merit and is dismissed. More

The Applicant is currently in occupation of an A2 Farm measuring 125 hectares which farm is identified as S/D 43 Mahara Farm, Ward 16, Mvuma [the farm]. The 1st to the 4th Respondents are all cited in their official capacities. The 1st Respondent is the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development. He deals inter alia with issues pertaining to agricultural land. [the Minister] The 2nd Respondent is the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for the Midlands Province. I presume he is cited because the said farm is situated in the Midlands Province among other... More

The petitioner and the respondent are political party activists. The former is a member of a political outfit which is known as Citizens for Coalition Change. The latter is a member of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front. These are respectively referred to as CCC and ZANU (PF), for short. Both parties successfully filed their nomination papers with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (“ZEC”). They were sponsored by the political parties to which they are members. Both of them participated in the harmonized election which took place on 23 August, 2023. They were each vying for a parliamentary seat for Gwanda... More