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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The following is common cause. The 2nd respondent purchased from the 3rd respondent stand number 46 Murombedzi Growth Point, Murombedzi ‘the property’. The 3rd respondent is a Rural District Council. They entered into a lease with an option to buy agreement. On the 26th of May 2015 the 2nd respondent sold the property to the applicant in the sum of US$3 600.00. It was agreed as between the parties that, US$1 800.00 shall be paid in cash to the 2nd respondent on signature. The balance of US$1 800.00 was payable to the 3rd respondent to clear all outstanding arrears for... More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against a judgment of this Court Judgment Number LCH 369/23. It is being made in terms of r43 of the Rules of this Court 2017 (the Rules) as read with s92F(2) of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 (the Act). It is opposed. More

Parents have an obligation to their minor children in a very broad form. Children look up to their parents for love, care, affection, shelter, food and upkeep among others. The children also expect their parents to be able to meet their school and tuition fees along with stationery and other everyday needs. It is expected of them to be able to sit down and map a smooth and amicable resolution on the choice of school and payment of school fees, buying school uniforms, stationery and other requirements. More

On the 24th of July, 2024 this court handed down an order dismissing the application for review filed in this matter. It was indicated that the reasons would follow. The following constitute the reasons for the judgement rendered. The delay in hand down of the determination is sincerely regretted. The matter was placed before me as an application for review filed in terms of Section 92EE (1)(b) and (c) of the Labour Act [Chap 28:01] The application for review was noted as against the disciplinary proceedings conducted before the Respondent’s Disciplinary Committee which proceedings culminated in a dismissal penalty imposed... More

The dispute in this matter relates to the flighting of a tender by the first defendant for the supply and delivery of 70 kms of 24 core CST armoured cable. The plaintiff in its summons and declaration contends that this tender was flighted on or about the 31st of May 2023 through an email request for quotation. The first defendant communicated on the 13th of July 2023 that the plaintiff was successful in its bid. It directed the plaintiff to pay the sum of USD$2443 to the second defendant to enable release of the contract documents. Despite payment of this... More

The applicant (“POSB”) prays for an order in the following terms; - i) “Condonation of the late filing of an application for rescission of a default judgment entered into on 27 January 2023 under HCHC 485/22 (“application for condonation”); and ii) The rescission of the said default judgment under HCHC 485/22 (“application for rescission”). More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court (court a quo) in which it upheld the conviction and sentence imposed on both appellants by the Magistrates Court for criminal abuse of duty as public officers as defined in s 174 (1) of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] Act [Chapter 9:23] (the Act). More