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Court Judgements

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The applicant was employed by the respondent as a manager at its Kariba Branch. Sometime in October 2014 he was asked to sign a ‘Company Document and New Buying Policy’ ( the document). He refused to sign the said document .As a result of his refusal to sign the document he was charged with willful disobedience to a lawful order in violation of provisions of S4(b) of the Labour ( National Employment Code of Conduct ) Regulations , Statutory Instrument 15 of 2006.Disciplinary proceedings were conducted against him. He was convicted and was penalized with dismissal. Aggrieved by the decision... More

At the onset of oral argument in this Court, respondent raised two (2) points in limine which appellant opposed. The points shall be dealt with ad seriatim. A. That the appeal is fatally defective for want of valid grounds of appeal: B. That the relief sought is incompetent More

This is an application for review in the matter between Pianos Mubaiwa (employee) and BOC Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd. (former employer). The following are the relevant background facts to the matter. The Applicant was employed by the 1st Respondent from 2002 until 2021 when he was dismissed. He was at the time of his dismissal occupying the position of a Distribution Officer. More

On 25 January 2024, the parties appeared before me in an application for rescission of a default judgement. I dismissed the application. The applicant requested that I give reasons for my order and these are they. Background facts the applicant employed the respondent before preferring charges of misconduct against him. He was charged and found guilty and dismissed from employment. The respondent was aggrieved with the outcome of the disciplinary proceedings the respondent noted an appeal to the labour court. This was on 27 April 2023. The notice of appeal was served on the applicant’s office on 4 May 2023 More

The applicant is Prodigy Chinanga a male adult of Harare. The respondent is Stanbic Bank Ltd a registered commercial bank operating in Zimbabwe. The brief background to the application is that the applicant and the respondent were employee and employer. The applicant was employed as a reconciliation officer for nine (9) years from 2023 to 1 November, 2022. In the course of the employment relationship, the applicant was charged with an act of misconduct, the gravamen of which the applicant was accused of downloading and installing an unauthorized software on his laptop. The applicant was found guilty and dismissed from... More

1. That the Notice of Response is fatally defective for want of form: Rule 19(2) of the Labour Court Rules, 2017 requires a party to file his response in the prescribed form called LC2. Appellant alleged that the Response in casu does not comply with the requirement. A comparison of the response and Form LC 2 shows that the only difference is absence of the inscription “LC2” at the top right corner. The inscription is meant to identify the forms in the Rules. It is not necessary that a party’s response in their pleadings be inscribed by the Form’s notation.... More

This is a ss79 and 80 of the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act [Chapter 9:24] (“the Money Laundering Act”) application for the civil forfeiture to the State of ZWL$1436 500 and a white Honda Airwave Registration number AFD 1898 (“the motor vehicle) More