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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application brought on an urgent basis for what can be loosely termed as an “anti-dissipation” interdict. The applicant seeks to have her estranged husband (the first respondent) barred from disposing of any of the assets acquired by the two of them during the currency of their union pending the outcome of an action which she has since mounted for an equitable sharing of those assets. This latter claim was brought under case number HCMSF 80/24. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent employer’s disciplinary authority which found appellant guilty of misconduct at work and dismissed him from employment. More

It is common cause that, The 1st Defendant sold her rights, title and interests in STAND No. 104 MAIN STREET, TSHOLOTSHO to Plaintiff sometime in 2003. In 2009 Plaintiff sold to the 2nd Defendant the said property for ZAR60 000.00 [Sixty Thousand Rand] and signed an Agreement of Sale with 2nd Defendant dated 23rd April 2009. The 2nd Defendant took vacant occupation of the said property on the strength of that Agreement of sale and is still in occupation of the premises. The 2nd Defendant only paid a deposit of ZAR30 000.00 (Thirty Thousand South Rand) leaving a balance of... More

Applicant applied to this Court for the review of the decision by respondents’ Disciplinary Committee to conclude his hearing without hearing his evidence. The application was made in terms of Section 89(1)1d of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01. Respondents opposed the application. More

The applicant, San He Mining Zimbabwe [Pvt] Ltd [“San He”], has brought a combined application in respect of an arbitral award, on 28 July 2022 by the second respondent, the arbitrator, retired judge, Mr Justice Chinhengo. On the one hand it seeks the setting aside of that portion of the award adverse to it. On the other hand, it seeks the registration of that portion of the award beneficial to it, but as amended. The combined application is said to have been brought in terms of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [UNCITRAL] Model Law, an annexure to... More

The first respondent approached the court a quo by way of an application seeking an interdict against the appellant and the second respondent barring them from entering its farm in Arcturus, Goromonzi and from laying any rights to a certain mining claim situated thereon. The first respondent also sought an order that the appellant and the second respondent stop all mining operations at the mining claim. In its founding affidavit deposed to by one Morrison Bimbi, the first respondent averred as follows: It was the owner of a certain piece of land called the remainder of Lot 4 of the... More

The plaintiff claims from the defendant payment of the sum of US$1 517 465-00, reduced to US$1 461 000-00 by an amendment to the summons and declaration, and finally to US$1 014 483-00 at trial. The claim is for damages for breach of contract. The nature of such damages is not finely pleaded. They are supposed to be consequential or anticipatory damages flowing from the alleged breach. More