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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant raises two grounds for review, that is that, firstly, the respondent’s Appeals Officer erred in upholding the decision by the Disciplinary Committee where the Disciplinary Committee had failed to address a preliminary point regarding its own jurisdiction to deal with the matter before considering the merits of the case before it; and secondly, that the decision of the Appeals Officer was grossly irregular in that it upheld the decision of the Disciplinary Committee where that Committee had failed to afford the applicant an opportunity to make an address in mitigation before a penalty was imposed. More

The factual background to this matter, briefly outlined, is that the applicant and the second respondent are registered holders of blocks of mining claims in the Mashonaland East Province. The applicant owns claims under the block Chifumbi 2 Mine (Registration No. 1688G). The second respondent owns claims under the block Averum 22 (Registration No. 37918). A dispute arose between the applicant and the second respondent when the latter started mining in an area the applicant claimed was within his registered claims. The dispute was adjudicated upon by the first respondent, resulting in a determination issued on 1 December 2022. In... More

On 4 November 2022 Plaintiff sued out summons claiming a decree of divorce and ancillary relief. In the declaration, he stated that the parties solemnized their marriage in terms of the then Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11] now the Marriages Act [Chapter 5:17] at Gweru on 16 April 2010. The marriage was blessed with three minor children – - Thandi Hove born on 2 September 2010; - Thabo Hove born on 17 November 2012; and - Busi Hove born on 23 May 2014. More

The appellant and the first respondent are former husband and wife, their marriage having been dissolved by a decree of divorce issued on 26 November 2019. Their proprietary rights were determined subsequently by judgment of the High Court (“the court a quo”) delivered on 24 July 2023. In that judgment, the court a quo distributed their property, including a farm known as Randhurst Grange Estate situate in the district of Goromonzi measuring 926.5930 hectares (“Machipisa farm”) and a business known as Zororo Energy Private Limited (“Zororo Energy”), which properties form the basis of this appeal, the appellant having appealed against... More

Plaintiff and first defendant married on 8 April 2000 and divorced by order of the United Kingdom Family Court at Dudley on 17 September 2017. Second defendant is a brother to the first defendant. More

On the 29 May 2024 the court dismissed the application for leave to appeal. The following are the reasons for that decision. In the matter under judgment HH 415/23 Applicant had approached the Court seeking the setting aside of the appointment of the first Respondent as the Executor of the Estate late Leah Nyamazana, DR KM 24/22. She also sought the setting aside of the award of a property in Kadoma to the first Respondent. Applicant was married to the first Respondent’s brother, Wellingtom Dube, who passed away in 2018. She had been staying at the property at the centre... More

This is an application for condonation for late noting of an appeal. The applicant intended to appeal the decision of the employer that was made in terms of an employment code, Statutory Instrument 93 of 2019 Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Medical and Allied Industry. The Applicant was charged, tried, convicted and a penalty of dismissal imposed. His appeal at the workplace failed. He delayed in noting his appeal to the Appeals officer’s upholding of the decision of the disciplinary committee hence the present application. More