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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This application came by way of a summary judgment application as per R 30 of the High Court Rules 2021. The applicants seek in the main the eviction of respondent and all those who claim occupation through him from Ranch 1090 Hampshire Estate Wilshire Chivhu (hereinafter called the farm). More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Labour Officer which was issued on 17 April 2023. The propriety of the appeal has prompted this Court to give reasons why it is of the view that the matter is improperly before the Court. The Court has taken into consideration the issue of the audi alteram patem principle and took the view that it would be unnecessary to receive submissions on the matter. More

The Applicant approached this court seeking an order for the rescission of default judgment entered against it following its former legal practitioners’ failure to file Heads of Argument. More

this is a landlord and tenant dispute. Plaintiff entered into a written lease agreement with an entity identified therein as “Treat and Company”, on 1 November 2020. It is not in dispute that an entity named Treat and Company (Pvt) Ltd, the present objector, took occupation of the premises known as Shop Number 5, Rolf Valley Shopping Centre, in Rolf Valley, Harare at a monthly rental of US$2,600. [7] Plaintiff avers that defendant defaulted in rental payments for the period April to December 2021 accumulating arrears in the sum of US$18,360. Plaintiff instituted present proceedings seeking a recovery of that... More

This is an application for condonation of late noting of an appeal. The background to the matter is that appellant who was in the respondent’s employment was charged with acts of misconduct and taken before a disciplinary committee which found him guilty of the misconduct and dismissed him from employment. He lodged his appeals internally without success. He then appealed to the labour court within the time lines set out by the rules but ended up withdrawing that appeal after the employer successfully challenged some of the appeal grounds which he had placed before the court. He is still desirous... More

This is an appeal against the respondent’s employer’s decision which resulted in appellant losing her job following allegations that she had performed her duties below what was expected of her by letting 10 000 pens leave dispatch without proper invoicing and 40 rulers also leaving without proper invoicing. The appellant’s contest is on 2 fronts that is she contests the guilty verdict and she also contests the dismissal penalty. More

The matter was referred to the designated agent to deal with claims raised by the appellant’s employees. The employees were employed in various capacities. The employees alleged that they had their contracts of employment unfairly terminated by the appellant, further, the employees alleged that they were being underpaid. More