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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for leave to the Supreme Court following a decision by the labour court to uphold the applicant’s guilty verdict and dismissal penalty on allegations of abuse of the employer’s fuel facility when he had been laterally transferred from Harare to Bulawayo. More

On 12 March 2024 this court dismissed with costs an application for reinstatement of matter, which application had been filed by Christ Ministries High School against Edwin Chikuni its former employee and Cleopara Mhariwa the Designated Agent. Upon pronouncement of the decision the court advised the parties that they were free to request for full reasons for the decision if they needed them. The school has through a letter under the hand of its lawyers stamped 19 March 2023 requested for the reasons of the order of 12 March 2024. More

This is a ruling on whether or not present application should be treated as urgent. The background thereto is that the parties entered into a contract for the hire and lease of an excavator. That relationship soured. Present respondent instituted rei vindicatio proceedings in this court. More

This is an application for direct access to this Court, filed in terms of s 167 (5) of the Constitution as read with R 21 of the Constitutional Court Rules, 2016. It is contested. If the application is granted, the applicant intends to file a substantive application with this Court, alleging that in dealing with a non-constitutional issue, the Supreme Court, (“ the court a quo”), violated its rights to be heard and to a fair hearing as guaranteed by s 69 (2) and (3) of the Constitution. More

This chamber application was opposed by the first respondent. I set it down for hearing on 21 July 2024. Applicant and Counsel for first respondent appeared. Applicant requested a postponement as he felt that his relatives had to be present. He indicated that he had not been aware of the set down date and only appeared because the Registrar of this court had called him on his cell phone. Counsel for the first respondent was not opposed to the application for postponement. I postponed the matter to 1 July 2024 at 1000hours. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an interim interdict, in particular for what is commonly referred to as an anti-dissipation interdict. This form of an interdict is a summary order meant to preserve assets by restraining their disposal pending the determination of a dispute involving the parties. The dispute pending is an action matter Case No. HC1349/24 initiated by the applicant against the first respondent. More

This is an application for review in terms of ss 92EE (1) of the Labour Act , Chapter 28:01 ARW rule 20(1) of the Labour Court Rules 2017(the Rules), against the proceedings of the 1st Respondent (Designated officer) that was conducted on 13 November and concluded on the 24 November 2023. More