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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant approached this court seeking a vindicatory order to recover possession and control of property called the Remainder of Umzari situate in the District of Lomagundi under Deed of Transfer 169/69 (hereinafter referred to as “the property”), alternatively applicant seeks for damages in the sum of US$6 900 000 (Six Million Nine Hundred Thousand United States Dollars). The applicant is the registered owner of the property which is 250.0353 hectares in extent and is claiming to vindicate the property. The respondent is a local authority currently in possession of the property which it subdivided into residential stands and sold... More

The appellant seeks the setting aside and substitution with a dismissal of the judgment of the High Court (the court a quo) handed down on 13 July 2020. The court a quo set aside the discharge order of the respondents from the army and reinstated them without loss of salary or benefits. More

The Respondent is a registered legal practitioner who at the material time practised law under the style Gunje & Chasakara Law firm. The Applicant filed the present application seeking the deregistration of the Respondent as a Legal Practitioner, Notary Public and Conveyancer and that the Respondent pay the Applicant’s expenses incurred in connection with the proceedings. It is alleged that the Respondent is guilty of unprofessional, dishonourable and unworthy conduct in terms of Section 23(2)(b) of the Legal Practitioners Act [Chapter 27:07] and has contravened Section 23(1)(c) of the Legal Practitioners Act as read with By Laws 70E and 70F(2)... More

The applicant has proved, on a balance of probabilities, that the undivided 1 8668% share number L8 in a certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury called stand number 2485 Arlington Estate measuring 2.4 hectares held under Deed of Transfer registered Number 3113/2017 dated 10 August 2017 is tainted property. It is forfeited to the State. More

The applicant filed an Interpleader pursuant to the provisions of Rule 63(2) as read with Rules 63(5) and (7) of the High Court Rules, 2021. More

On 27 August 2024 I issued an order in terms of which I dismissed a claim for a 25-tonne LP gas storage tank (“the tank”) and an LP gas platform instituted by the claimant, Rumread Trading (Pvt) Ltd against Estrimanzi Proprietary Ltd, the judgment creditor. These are the written reasons for my decision. More

This matter was dealt with on 7 June 2023 and the accused was released on a warrant of liberation on the 23 June 2023 on the basis of a review minute that I prepared. However given the facts of the matter I felt compelled to write this judgment despite the passage of time. More