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Court Judgements

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On 31 August 2012 the murder of two-year-old Tatenda Nyamurenje (the deceased) sent shockwaves within the community of Katsamudanga village in Mutoko. Not least that the child had been murdered, but that he had been murdered by his own father Farai Nyamurenje (the accused). The facts of the matter are common cause and they are that on the fateful night when the family had retired to bed, the accused returned home from a beer drink. He went to the kitchen hut where the deceased and his mother Estere Matinyanya Nyamurenje were asleep. He demanded to take his son but Estere... More

This is a matter involving a fight amongst small scale illegal gold panners over gold ore. Always common in these fights is the use of sharp knives with fatal consequences. What has emerged from this saga is that the accused and his friend Tauya Chitembetembe arrived at a gold hammermill at Glassgow Compound, Kadoma, on the 3rd of March 2022 to toast their gold ore. Upon arrival they found the deceased already processing his own gold ore in the company of several others. This area is housed within some building and divided by a thatched hedge. One side is where... More

Garikai Kamupiro (hereinafter referred to as the accused) was indicted before the High Court facing a charge of murder. The state alleged that on 10 February 2023 at Chidziva Farm Compound, Mvurwi the accused had a fallout with her husband Frank Milanzi (hereinafter the deceased). As a result, she brutally attacked him with logs several times all over the body. It is alleged that she did so with intent to kill or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that her conduct may cause death but still continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility.... More

Accused was subsequently arrested and brought before this court for the murder trial. The summarized facts are that the accused was seen by two of the State witnesses who attested orally in court arriving at Seaways Night Club, the scene of crime. The first witness Josephine Danken, the then bar tender testified that when the accused arrived at the joint in the early hours of the morning, he and his colleagues caused a pandemonium in the bar. They forcibly retrieved a US$5.00 note from the bar lady after demanding free beer from the patrons. They then started assaulting the other... More

This is a criminal appeal wherein the accused person was charged and convicted of contravening s185 (1) (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. It is alleged that on the 20th of August 2022 whilst under prison officials’ custody, fetching firewood the accused unlawfully escaped from lawful custody. He disappeared into the nearby bush whilst in the company of his inmates and escaped. He was arrested on the same day at the nearby Shopping Centre. He was sentenced to 46 months, with 12 months wholly suspended for 5 years on condition of good behavior. He is... More

This matter proceeded as a stated case. The defence had brokered a limited plea which the State accepted. The plea bargaining reduced the charge of murder to culpable homicide. The court found the plea bargaining proper as the State did not have any eye witness to the offence. More

This is an automatic review matter brought in terms of s58 of the Magistrates Court Act, [Chapter 7:10] at the behest of the scrutinizing magistrate. There has been an apparent conflict in the interpretation of the concept of victim impact statement between the trial Magistrate and the scrutinizing magistrate. Both parties strongly maintain that their position is the most accurate even after exchanging notes. In view of those divergent views a brief over view on the concept is necessary. More