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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The parties appeared before this court arguing over agreement of sale of a certain piece of immovable property known as Remaining Extent Of Lot 301 of Greendale situate in the District of Salisbury measuring 6092 sqm including vested roadway held under Deed of transfer No 450/89.The respondent deed of transfer is annexed to the opposing affidavit marked annexure B1-B3.The immovable property is registered in the respondent is also described in B2 as “ Certain piece of land being the remaining extent of lot 301 of Greendale situate in the District of Salisbury measuring 6092 sqm including vested roadway” A dispute... More

The applicant seeks an order confirming that the agreement of sale which it entered into with the first respondent in respect of certain immovable property is valid and binding. Pursuant to such confirmation, it seeks an order evicting the first respondent and all those claiming their right on occupation through her from the said residential property. The property in question was identified as Stand No. 1191 Mandara Township, Zvishavane (“the property”). More

1. This is an appeal against the whole judgement of the High Court (“the court a quo”) in which it upheld the respondent`s special plea of prescription and dismissed the appellant’s claim. More

This is an appeal against the appellant’s dismissal from respondent’s employ. The following are the grounds of appeal and I quote: ‘1. The appeals authority erred at law in making a finding that the Appellant was guilty of failing to obey an order on the 8th November 2021 when allegations against the appellant on the first charge was that Appellant disobeyed an order issued on the 29th October 2021. 2. The appeals authority erred at law in failing to make a finding that the charge of willful disobedience to a lawful order was unsustainable to the extent the Appellant had... More

The applicant seeks relief by way of summary judgement. The relief sought is set out in the draft order accompanying the application as follows: “1. Summary judgement be and is hereby granted. 2. Defendant shall pay the sum of US$33 000 to plaintiff or the equivalent thereof at the prevailing inter-bank rate made up as follows; a) US$18 000 for explosives sold to the defendant. b) US$14 500 being arrear rentals for mining compressors. c) US$500.00 being damages for repair of the damaged compressor. 3. Interest thereon at the prescribed rate from the date of summons to date of full... More

On the 4th of June 2015, the applicant was convicted of murder with actual intent by this court siting at Masvingo. The presiding judge, BERE J, found that the murder was committed in extenuating circumstances arising from intoxication and provocation thereby sentencing the applicant to imprisonment for 25 years. More

On 24th July, 2024 the court handed down an order under reference LC/H/ORD/892/24 in the following terms; 1. The appeal be and is hereby struck off the roll with costs. 2. The reasons are to follow. The following constitutes the reasons for the order as granted. The matter was placed before the court as an appeal against a determination of the Respondent Appeal’s Committee which determination had been handed down on the 18th of January 2024.The appeal was not opposed. More