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Court Judgements

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The parties were married on 17 October 2005 in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11] now [Chapter 5:17]. Five children were born of the marriage. Two of them are now majors. The minor children are Chikomborero (born 8 September 2008) (male), Rutendo (born 20 August 2015) (female) and Grace (born 26 December 2016) (female). The parties are agreed that the marriage has irretrievably broken down to such an extent that there are no reasonable prospects of a restoration of a normal marriage between them. Among other reasons the parties have been separated for over one year and lost love... More

Panganai constructed a rabbit cage and placed it on a window. Appellant was opposed to this idea .On 7th November 2021 following the two men’s opposed views on the setting up of a rabbit cage an incident took place. Only the two men were present. After that incident Panganai made a report to the School Head, Mrs Chisipochinyi. His report as related to Mrs Chisipochinyi is as follows. On 7th November 2021 Panganai called Mrs Chisipochinyi and told her that Bvudzijena had struck him on the head and neck using an iron bar. Mrs Chisipochinyi in turn advised Panganai to... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Magistrates court sitting at Chiredzi (“the court a quo”) dismissing the appellant’s application for an interdict. The applicant had approached the court a quo seeking an order interdicting the first respondent from interfering with his (i.e., appellant’s) utilisation of a 10 hectare stretch of land situated between their respective farms which are adjacent. Both are resettlement farms in the Chiredzi district of Masvingo province, namely Subdivision 3 of Hippo Valley settlement Holdings (Subdivision 3) and Hippo Valley Settlement Holdings Lot 53 (the remaining extent of Lot 53). They were allocated... More

On the 27th July 2023 this Court issued an order which struck off the roll applicant’s application for leave to appeal “as it was filed out of time.” On the 15th July 2024 applicant requested reasons for the order. More

This is an application for quantification of damages. This Court, in an Order dated 23 May 2022, determined that Applicant be reinstated into her former position without loss of salary and benefits. Respondents declined to reinstate her. Hence the present application. More

This is an application for condonation of late noting of an appeal against the decision of the works council at the applicant’s workplace. The applicant also seeks leave to appeal against that decision of the works council to this Court. More

Applicant has some mining rights in farm number 41 Vuti Karoi, literally, owned by virtue of an offer letter by the first respondent. Inherent in such scenarios is discord and conflict. The second to fourth respondents are cited in their official capacities in their respective portfolios. The second to third respondents are responsible for the issuance and resolutions of disputes of mines and minerals against the underpinnings of the Mining and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05]. More