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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff (Rephio Chirumbwa) and the defendant are embroiled in a leadership dispute in an apostolic church known as Bethlehem Apostolic Faith Church (the Church). The trial of the matter commenced in March 2022. The matter suffered from setbacks, primarily, the unavailability of witnesses which derailed its progress and ultimately its conclusion. At the conclusion of the trial, the defendant made an application for absolution from the instance at the close of the plaintiff’s case. I dismissed the application for absolution from the instance in a judgment handed down under HH 267/23. More

At the onset of oral argument in this Court Respondent raised a point in limine which Applicant opposed. The respondent argued that the application is invalid for reliance on an incompetent draft order. The impugned draft order reads; “It is ordered that 1.Application for condonation for failure to comply with Rule 21(1) of the Labour Court Rules, 2017 and an extension within which to comply with the provisions of Rule 21(1) be and is hereby granted. 2.Applicant’s application for reinstatement under case number LC/H/899/22 be heard by the court. More

This matter came before me as an urgent chamber application wherein the applicants seek urgent relief as couched below: “FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this honourable court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1) The first and second respondents are hereby interdicted from proceeding with any form of construction work at Glaudina and Kuwadzana Extension junction using a draft plan TPY/WR/1/24 until General Plan CT 2670 [SR 28532] is set aside. 2) The Draft layout plan TPY/WR/1/24 be and is hereby declared to be in direct conflict with General Plan 2670/... More

This present matter is a dispute over the origins hence ownership of a consignment of Lithium ore seized by police on the 8th of May 2023. The applicant and 1st respondent are both duly registered companies and are both into lithium ore mining. In addition, the 1st respondent claims that it also sources lithium ore from small scale miners. The facts of this matter are fairly straight forward and for the most part common cause. On 5 May 2023 the applicant got wind from the police that some lithium ore suspected to have been extracted from its mine was in... More

Respondents were in the employ of the Appellant in various capacities. The Respondents approached the Appellant with the intention of having their employment terminated on the basis 1 of ill-health. The Respondents had contracted different illnesses during the course of their employment with the Appellant. The Appellant was supposed to apply for the termination of this employment in terms of the Group Life Assurance Scheme. The provision was that where medical evidence was vailed showing that a member was permanently medically incapable of performing his/her duties, that employee would be entitled to retire prior to the normal age of retirement.... More

This is an application for the review of the Designated Agent’s decision which resulted in him awarding members of the Zimbabwe Rural District workers Union an increment in housing and transport allowance which Bindura Rural District Council was obliged to pay as per the Designated Agent’s determination More

This is an appeal . The appeal matter was deemed abandoned by the Registrar. However, the matter was still set down for a hearing before the parties had dealt with the abandonment. The question of the abandonment was brought to my attention by the parties. More