Innocent Bob had a fist fight with the deceased Isaac Tsingano in a night club on the night of the 9th of June 2022. Issac Tsingano later died on the 11th of July 2022 at Sally Mugabe Central Hospital. The cause of death as per the autopsy report, admitted into evidence as exhibit 2, was tripartite. It was stated as brain damage, brain abscess and head trauma. As a result, accused was arrested and charged with the murder of the deceased in terms of s47 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. More
The accused was charged with the murder of Timoti Lunga his neighbour in contravention of s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23].It is alleged that on the 20th of June 2020 and at Matibilila Village, Chief Negande, Siakobvu, Kariba he unlawfully and with intent to kill, or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct may cause death, continued despite the risk and struck the deceased with an iron bar several times on the head causing fatal injuries. The accused tendered a special plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. More
In this case a simple issue on who should keep the accused and the deceased’s sister’s medication led to a heated dispute which resulted in the death of the deceased. More
The accused is charged with the crime of murder as defined in s 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. It is alleged that on 30 August 2023 he unlawfully caused the death of his wife Spejina Kawocha by striking her twice with a log on the head intending to kill her or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct may cause the death of the deceased and continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility. More
All the jointly charged accused persons pleaded not guilty to the charge of murder as defined by s47(1) of the Criminal law Codification and Reform Act, [Chapter,9:23]. The common thread running through their defences, is that though they were present at the scene of the two fights they did not kill the deceased. They also state that they never acted in common purpose with one another to commit the crime of murder. More
On the 18th April 2023 the accused and his wife the deceased left home and proceeded to Gomango shopping centre, Landfall, Mutorashanga to celebrate the Independence Day. Unfortunately a day that started with merry making ended in tragedy. On their way back they had an intense altercation. The accused pushed the deceased off the road, sat on her strangled her and stabbed her with a broken mirror. He left her lying helplessly by the road. More
The accused persons are charged with one count of murder as defined in section 47 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23) (“the Act”) and another count of attempted murder as defined in section 189 as read with section 47 of the Act. More