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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This judgment disposes of case numbers HCH 5885/24 and HCH 13/25. The applicant and the respondents are common in the two cases. The applicant is Walter Magaya who described himself in both cases as a “renowned Minister of the Gospel and a passionate football enthusiast” who has “proudly supported local football serving as a dedicated benefactor to the support.” This was rightfully not disputed because the applicants CV is pregnant with proof of financial and logistic support which he has given to the game. The first respondent is Lincolin Mutasa cited in his official capacity as the chairperson of the... More

This is an application for a declaratur wherein the specific relief is; “1. That a declaratory order be and is hereby granted that a claim for entitlement to enjoyment and protection against a continued infringement of a fundamental right does not prescribe, hence the applicant association’s qualifying membership do remain each entitled, respectively, to full payment of any arrear monthly s 3 and 4(1) of the WAR VETERANS (Pension Scheme) Regs, SI 280/97, being the war veterans suitable welfare pension, accasioned them over the years, as guaranteed for under s 84(1)(a) of the Constitution and saved under s 27(4), (5),... More

This is an appeal against the arbitrator’s decision in a labor dispute between the appellant employer and the respondent employee. The background facts of the matter are that the employer employed the employee as a teacher on a contract with a probation period. Upon expiration of the probation period the employer issued a notice to the employee that it was not extending her contract. Aggrieved by the non-extension of her contract the employee took the matter up with the result that the arbitrator gave a determination in her favour. This prompted the employer to appeal against the arbitrator’s decision. More

This is a court application for a declaratur in terms of s 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06] and ancillary relief thereto. The order sought is as follows; “1. My dismissal from employment by the Respondent on the 12th of December 2019 be and is hereby declared to be unlawful. 2. The Respondent be and is hereby ordered to reinstate me to my provisions position without loss of salaries and benefits. 3. If reinstatement is no longer tenable, the respondent be and is hereby ordered to pay the damages in lieu of reinstatement within 30 days from the... More

On 23 November 2008, the parties got married in New Zealand and in terms of the marriage laws of that country. Subsequent upon their marriage, the parties migrated to South Africa and eventually to Zimbabwe, which country they both resolved and adopted as their permanent domicile, a fact which clothed this court with jurisdiction to deal with this matter as it did. Two children were born out of the marriage both of whom are still minors. More

On the 26th March 2024 the Supreme Court issued an order referenced SC 68/24 wherein it inter alia directed this Court to “… to give its determination on the second preliminary point raised before it.” On the 16th August 2024 this Court directed 2nd Respondent to file/uphold documents in terms of which IG, Dumba was appointed as its Acting Managing Director. The documents have not been filed to date. The aforesaid second preliminary point was to the effect that Dumba was appointed as Acting Managing Director of 2nd Respondent in violation of the Public Entities Corporate Governance Act Chapter 10:31... More

This is an opposed chamber application for the registration of a deed of settlement. For purposes of this judgement, and in order to avoid confusion, I will refer to the parties, were the context permits by their names i.e. the applicant as “Nyabadza” and the respondent as “the company.” More