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Court Judgements

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This is an application for review of the taxing officer’s decision in assessing costs in HC 31/14. The gist of the application is premised on the issues stated in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the founding affidavit which reads thus: “This is an application in terms of Order 38 Rule 314 for the review of the decision of the taxing officer in relation to the taxation of the bills of costs in the matter HC 31/14 …” More

Applicant seeks an order, on by way of review, firstly, setting aside the appointment of the second respondent, his step-mother, and widow of the late Petros Peter Katsande, as executrix dative in the estate of the late Petros Peter Katsande. Secondly he seeks an order appointing a professional person to the office of executor in the estate of the late Petros Peter Katsande. More

The plaintiff and defendant were joined in holy matrimony in terms of the Marriages Act, [Cap 5:11] on 8 January 1988 at Harare. Their marriage subsists. Their marriage was blessed with two children who are now adults. More

In this application, the applicant seeks a declarator that she is the lawful occupier of a farm known as subdivision 1 of the remainder of Umfulia in the District of Chegutu (“the farm”), that the first respondent has no right, title or interest in the said farm and as such all those claiming through him should be barred from tilling the land and be ordered to vacate the farm. She also seeks attorney and client costs. More

The applicant seeks an order in the following terms: “1. That the High Court Order of divorce in case No HC 9097/99 dated 23 May 2001 be and is hereby varied by the deletion of paragraph 2 and the substitution in its place of the following: 2. That plaintiff shall be sole guardian and sole custodian of the minor child Tina Erasmus (born on 10 February 1999)” The application is opposed. More

On 12 April 2019 after hearing counsel I delivered an ex tempore judgement and granted the following order; “IT IS ORDERED THAT :- 1. The appeal be and is hereby upheld. 2. The appellant is admitted to bail pending trial on the following conditions; a) That the appellant shall deposit the sum of $500.00 RTGS with the Clerk of Court at Chipinge Magistrates Court. b) That the appellant shall continue to reside at No. 95 Mcnaughton, Southerton, Harare until this matter is finalised. c) That the appellant shall report at Southerton Police Station every Friday between 0600 hrs and 1800... More

The applicants brought this application on a certificate of urgency seeking the relief as appears below: - More

The applicant and respondent were husband and wife until 30 July 2015 when divorce was granted in favour of the wife through a default judgment. More

In a divorce action, which the applicant was granted in 2015 in default by the respondent, she was allocated property known as a certain piece of land situate in the District of Salisbury, called the remaining extent of Lot 361 Highlands Estate of Welmoed, measuring 5202 m2, registration number 2476/1996. It is commonly known as 18 Knightsbridge Road, Highlands, Harare. That property was registered in her then husband’s name, George Musanhu, the first respondent herein. The order was straightforward. Within forty-eight hours of the service of the order, he was supposed to have signed over to her the necessary papers... More

The applicant and first respondent lived together in a marital union. During the blissful days of their union they formed a company namely CRISTED (PRIVATE) LIMITED (the second respondent) each one had a 50 percent share in second respondent. An immovable property was acquired and registered in Second respondent’s name. This immovable property is the only asset of the company. After several years of cohabiting the marital relationship began experiencing problems which culminated in applicant moving out of the house. Later first respondent moved out as well leaving Second respondent’s tenants in occupation. The relationship between applicant and first respondent... More

The background facts she gave were that in January 2013 she together with the first and second respondents entered into a verbal agreement wherein they agreed to obtain a loan facility for $15 000 from the Agricultural Bankof Zimbabwe. She said in terms of the oral agreement, the loan was to be shared equally among the parties. She said repayment of the loan was to be on a pro rata basis. She said the first respondent agreed to bind himself as a co-signatory to the loan amount as security for a proper and equivalent distribution of the loan proceeds between... More

On 12 October 2015, the first respondent declined jurisdiction to quantify the appellant’s retrenchment package upon the termination of his employment with the second respondent. Aggrieved by the decision, the appellant brought a review application before the Labour Court, seeking among other relief, to have the first respondent’s decision set aside. He was unsuccessful. This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the Labour Court handed down on 4 November 2016, dismissing with costs, the application for review. More

This is an application for review of the determination by the Retrenchment Board dated 13 October 2015. The Retrenchment Board in its determination stated that “Kindly be advised that the Retrenchment Board has no jurisdiction over disputes arising from terms and conditions of employment. Please refer the matter to a labour officer as per Section 93 of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]” More

The plaintiff sued the two defendants claiming basically for his restoration as the registered buyer of house number 360 Makusha Township, Shurugwi In his summons and declaration the plaintiff alleged that on 20 August 1981 he entered into a written agreement of sale with Dickson Katerere (“D Katerere”) in respect of house number 360 Makusha Township Shurugwi. The plaintiff was the purchaser and D Katerere was the seller. More

This is an application for condonation of the late filing of Heads of Argument and Rescission of Judgment granted in the main matter in case Number HC 10930/14. More