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Court Judgements

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The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming payment of US$16 175 740-72 for fees owed by the defendant for professional services at the defendant’s special instance and request in or around 2007. The amount was due and payable sometime around 3 April 2009. More

This matter came to me as an opposed application. It was an application in terms of Order 40 Rule 359 (8) of the High Court Rules, 1971. After reading documents filed of record and after hearing counsel, I dismissed the application with an award of costs on the ordinary scale. Below are the reasons for my decision. More

The plaintiff herein claims general damages for unlawful arrest, detention and assault by two police officers, the 3rd and 4th defendants. In particular, he seeks damages for shock, pain and suffering, and for contumely, unlawful arrest and detention, in the total sum of US$4,000. The defendants accept that the plaintiff was lawfully arrested, but deny that he was assaulted or otherwise maltreated. More

By an award dated the 28th February, 2014, the Arbitrator found that Respondent had been unfairly dismissed and ordered that she be reinstated to her position without loss of salary and benefits. In the event of reinstatement not being possible, Respondent was to be paid damages. More

Applicant is claiming from respondent payment of $255 689 400 for goods delivered to respondent. Applicant has averred that on 30 August 2005, following telephonic communication with one Bernard, respondent’s employee, it provided a quotation for 200 rolls of thermal shelf talkers and 1000 rolls of thermal computer labels. Orders were placed by the respondent as per the quotation. The 200 rolls of thermal shelf talkers and 1000 rolls of thermal computer labels were duly delivered to respondent on 5 September 2005 and received by the respondent’s employees. On 6 September 2005, a Mr Alan Pirie, the general manager of... More

On the 16th December 2022 at Harare Designated Agent G. Mudzengi issued a determination. He ordered appellant (employer) to reinstate respondent (employee) or pay her damages for loss of employment. The employer then appealed the determination to this Court in terms of section 92D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01. More

CHITAKUNYE AJA: This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court (“the court a quo”) handed down on 15 June 2011wherein the court a quo granted an application for a declaratur that the saleand transfer of Stand 382 Good Hope Township to the appellant was null and void. More

The present judgment was prepared in 2018. There has been a delay in its handdown. l tender my most sincere apologies to the parties. This is an appeal against a determination of the Appeals Committee handed down on 9th of January, 2013 in which the Appeals Committee ruled that there was no relationship between the then highest worker grade (grade 9) and the newly introduced grade 13. The Appeals Committee also found that the Appellant’s salary was not reduced by reason of the evaluation exercise and therefore there was no unfair labour practice. More

The plaintiffs issued summons out of this court on 2 October 2009 seeking the following relief: “1. That the first defendant is according to the law and prevailing principles of succession of the chieftainship in the Wanyama (Hata) clan hereby declared unfit, illegitimate and unsuitable to preside over theWanyama (Hata) community as chief. 2. Additionally or alternatively the process leading to the second defendant’s submission of the first defendant’s name to third and fourth defendants for appointment be and is hereby declared to be contrary to law and the prevailing principles of succession of the Wanyama (Hata) clan. 3. The... More

The appellant was on his own plea of guilty convicted of contravening s 156(1)(c) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Cap 9:23], unlawful dealing in dangerous drugs. He was sentenced to 48 months imprisonment of which 12 months imprisonment was suspended on condition of good behaviour. More

The applicants were both arraigned before the magistrates court facing 1 count of armed robbery as defined in section 126 of The Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. It is alleged that on 23 February 2021 at Mukahwi Store, Dorapindo, Zimunya, Mutare both accused approached the complainant while driving a Mazda 323 silver in colour with no number plates. The second applicant produced a pistol from the handbag ordering the complainant to remain silent. At the same time the second applicant packed grocery items they had demanded from the complainant. The grocery items were loaded into the two... More

This is an application for summary judgment. More

This is an application in terms of section 14 of the High Court Act, Chapter 7:06 seeking a declaratory order in the following terms; “1. The application is hereby granted. 2. It is hereby declared that the partnership agreement entered into by and between the parties authorizing applicant and 2nd respondent to use 1st respondent’s company credentials is valid and binding. 3. 1st respondent shall pay costs of suit at the legal practitioner and client scale.” More

This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the High Court dated 4 September 2019, in which the court a quogranted a declaratur and consequential relief sought by the respondents against the appellants and dismissed the application for a declaratur sought by the appellants against the respondents More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court (“the court a quo”) in which an order for a mandamus van spolie was granted in favour of the respondent. This Court does not find merit in this appeal and it must be dismissed. I outline hereunder the reasons for this decision. More